With the style of combat 30 FPS is fine but its stupid not to give people the option, If you have a massive 4k tv then graphic mode is what you care about, If you haven't upgraded your tv in years because you don't care then performance mode is likely want you want.
A possible purchase but not until the reviews and other information is released.
I just don't trust Bugthesda to release a game that doesn't need mods to make it interesting and stable, Their games have been as wide as an ocean but as deep as a puddle for alot of years now.
After all the hate and deaththreats these guys got, Its a wonder they didn't just take the money and go, But they have spent years turning No mans sky into something amazing and far more than it was ever meant to be.
And as long as Sony or Microsoft stay out of the picture and let them make the new game in their own time, Il be ready to give them a chance, I bought NMS on release and was very happy with the final game it just took abit longer than expected.
Probably my favourite Souls-like is Nioh2, Great story and probably the widest variety of builds in any souls-like game, One major improvement over Fromsoft games is the character creator is easy enough even I can make a good looking character, Rather than the horrors I end up with in fromsoft titles who look like they fell out of the fugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
Leave one of the mobs alone so he wastes time buffing them while you beat him up, Also for easy kill draw him outside of the area to the group of geyser's and just ride around making him walk overthem when they go off for cheesy victory.
Runeweaver's comments