The rides will stop halfway through because you need to by the dlc pass, They will also go slow because you need to buy the speed booster pack, And you won't be able to buy anything unless you convert your real money into Ubi coins.
Why would anyone want to beta test a yearly sports game release from EA? They haven't changed in any meaningful way in over a decade just updated roster and graphics.
$300 for a mask that isn't gonna sell well, Most people in the west can't wait to never wear a mask again, I can't see it becoming a fashion statement.
In Japan wearing a mask or at the very least covering your mouth when you talking, laughing or eating is seen as common courtesy especially for women, It wasn't something started by SARS its been around for hundreds of years.
My only problem with getting silver is how Ubisoft nerf every farming method as soon as its found, They did it in origins by reducing the amount of money animal pelts sold for, They did it Valhalla by nerfing spear fishing, So no 50 silver isn't a problem but Ubisoft does attempt to push people into spending on MTXs.
@qw90700: Not significant to call them weaknesses?, It can change the time for a hunt from 30 minutes to less than 5, That's very significant, Also attacking certain body parts will give greater rewards when the fight is over.
Witcher 3 is a good game but the combat isn't, Apart from a very few enemies that you need to destroy something before you can kill them, The combat comes down to using a silver sword to kill monsters and a steel one to kill humans, drinking a few potions and then hopping around and taking a swing or two and repeat till they die, Depth in combat isn't the Witchers strong point.
Runeweaver's comments