Dude you have GOT to be kidding. Sony had to have paid IGN and Gamespot. I got away from IGN for the incredible amount of biased coverage, ridiculous PlayStation commercials on EVERY video and I come here and see THIS BS!? The ONLY thing Sony won was the cheaper price point and used games (which will still have dlc and play passes). They showed like five games and TV stuff. No actual gameplay just a ton of trailers. When they showed AC4, which is an obvious multiplat, IT FROZE. What the HELL are you talking about? Walton you were taking a shit or asleep for all of E3 because what I saw was some damn cool games. Oh but I guess you loved the indie games like OCTODAD!? What about that awesome tech demo for a game that DOESN'T EXIST AND WOULS SUCK ANYWAY. Holy crap... This Sonyism is ridiculous and undeserved. Ubisoft had a better conference than Sony did.
In LoS, I think it felt most "castlevania-y" when i was actually IN or AROUND the castle. Getting there was cool, but there should have been more time in it. I understand why they changed the combat system though. Modern action adventure games use combos. I think it would be a little dated to use a single whip attack for every strike like games of the old. It definitely was a bit on the GoW side, but none the less I thought it was a great game.
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