@kckbxrk: That's a pretty good list. The ONLY change I would make is to switch to DDR4 3000 at the minimum and make sure that board can handle XMP profiles so you can run the RAM at the correct speeds. That DDR4 2400 will hinder that 7700 when it comes to minimum FPS in games that are CPU heavy. Just my two cents :) other than that it sounds like you have a solid plan. Would love to see the finished build after you're done modding it!
@kckbxrk: I love Fractal Design. But that Node 202 is REALLY tight to build in. And temps don't fair well for high end parts. You should look into the Silverstone RVZ02. Much better ventilation on that case.
@kckbxrk: Honestly you can get more for that build. That i7 alone goes for $200-$250 on ebay. Honestly if you overclock it, it can hit better FPS than my 6600k. I would consider upgrading the GPU first and seeing if you're happy with the performance before dumping the entire build.
@kckbxrk: Well if I were you I'd try and sell that card asap on eBay or a forum like hardforum.com to try and recoup on your losses and get something better. The longer you wait, the less the card will sell for. You should be able to squeeze atleast $175-$200 out of some sucker on eBay lol
@spartanx169x: Well of course it depends on how low your threshold for game quality settings is and what you're happy with. If you're cool with low settings then more power to ya. Personally, I'm a snob. I wanna run all my games at max settings even if it means I have to cap my FPS at 30. I had a GTX 460 back in the day. Was able to use it for about 3-4 years by doing this. Now though I'm spoiled by 60 FPS ultra settings. If I have a game that I'm really into and I can't run it at the aforementioned settings, I upgrade lol.
@angrycreep: on paper the Scorpio looks like it's a very very good performing machine. Regardless Hardware is nothing without software and if Microsoft doesn't step up their exclusive game I'll skip the Scorpio as well.
@slypher9: more targets to kill but you also have more targets that kill you. Triplane Battlefield in a 64-player match and see how many kills in a row you get before you die. You'd be lucky to hit 10 to 15 and that's on a very very good streak.
@kckbxrk: I wouldn't say that I'm mistaken it's just that Ram speed also plays A Part. If you were to take a GTX 960 with 4 gigabytes of vram you would notice stutters if you ran GTA V at ultra settings once the vram hits the ceiling. But since these new cards have much faster vram they're able to keep up with game demands much better hence why you don't notice a performance drop even with a 3 gigabyte card. I'm not saying it's a bad thing but if you're looking to keep this card for at least two to three years you were going to notice that they won't perform as well 4 games coming out in the future that are even more demanding.
@spartanx169x: cards like the GTX 1060 and the RX 480 are cards that you want to upgrade every year since they lose their value so quickly. You're better off selling it a year after you have it for minimal loss and upgrade to the next version for a small amount of money on top.
Rushaoz's comments