@shamatuu257: Most gamers ARE stupid. Why? Because they don't realize how expensive video games are to make. They don't realize the game industry never adjusted to inflation. They don't realize video games are half as profitable now as they were 20 years ago. They don't realize that their incessant bitching about paying a measly $60 and then have the nerve to complain about FREE post game content is hypocritical and downright asinine. They don't realize that DLC and microtransactions exist to make up for inflation blowing by the game industry. They don't realize that they would be paying about $120 for a AAA title if the industry did adjust to inflation.
Here's a scenario. Games cost about 90% more than they do now like they're supposed to. Know what would happen then? Total chaos. In this scenario you'd be getting your bug free games with all they content you want at launch because the games would then be funded properly. But gamers are self entitled little pricks that are so out of touch with the reality of the industry that they themselves would put studios out of business by not paying for video games at all.
Gamer's ARE stupid. EA is bad but they're not to blame. They have to keep their investors happy while simultaneously putting up with an ignorant consumer base. EA can he horrible with their practices but gamers are worse. This game is now $30. DICE is hard at work trying to fix this game and bring in more free post game content and make you people happy. Yet here you are. Bitching.
This would have been good if it was actually faster than a 2080. But it's on par and has no DXR or DLSS. AMD should have shown off an 8GB version for $600 or $650 and this would have been a winner in everyone's eyes. I'll sticj with my 1070 until next year. Rule of thumb for me is to not upgrade until what I'm upgrading to is at least twice as fast as what I currently own.
Gotta love how overwhelmingly negative gamers are. You people are real pricks. More competition is always a good thing. All we have is this one picture of a prototype and most of you are already dooming it to it's death instead of welcoming a third contender which ultimately, is better for us all in the end. SMH.
@dook23: that's what I have a gaming PC for. PS4 for exclusives, PC for multiplats. Which is why I don't have an Xbox One. Had Microsoft invested more in first party games I'd own an X right now.
@phili878: Battlefield games are usually every 2-3 years, not yearly. Also it's not crap. Yes it's buggy. Yes EAs PR sucks but the game itself is a ton of fun and at the moment in the top 5 best BF games so far. Anyone's who's actually playing the game will tell you that. Don't listen to all the neckbeards. Most of them haven't even touched the game. Check this review out by Battle Nonsense if you want a non biased full review by a true BF vet. I wholeheartedly agree with all his points as well.
@jsprunk: oh **** yea Iove FH4. Best racing game of all time IMO. I play it on PC as well. I just wish Microsoft put as much effort into other exclusives like they did with Forza. Maybe I'd own an Xbox One X if they did.
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