@cstapinsky: Rome wasn't built in a day. Those features will be added. The store is new man. Steam didn't have that stuff either back 15 years ago and I'm willing to bet Epic will get it added faster than Steam did back then.
@Litchie: Give it some time man. If we're comparing stores, Epic has made more progress in the small time it's been a store than Steam did back when it released in '03. I know because I have my 15 years of service badge. Been there since the beginning.
People just don't seem to understand why the exclusive deals are happening. They just wanna be mad at something. Get the pitchforks and torches! Whether people believe it or not, Steam has a monopoly as far PC content delivery goes but it's a monopoly that wasn't created by Steam but by users themselves.
Epic knows this and they know that they have to strong arm their way into the market because if they leave it up to gamers, they will continue to download everything they can through Steam even if the titles they're interested in are available elsewhere. The only time they download any games through other launchers is if that launcher has a title cheaper than it is on Steam. That is literally it. How can you compete when everyone is stuck in that mind state?
Gamers are pissed because of the exclusivity but then they turn around and download games exclusively through Steam. C'mon man. It's just video games lol Exodus was the first game I bought through the EGS. Made sure my password was strong and secure. As an IT pro I'm sure anyone who's had they're account hacked had a weak password. Made sure 2fa was on. Used paypal to buy the game because putting your CC ANYWHERE online is never a smart idea IMO, downloaded Exodus, beat it, uninstalled and that was the end of it. It all went smoothly. 10/10 experience just like I have with Steam.
@Litchie: I don't defend anyone. I'm just an adult living my adult life that has more important things to worry about than what store front I buy my games through.
@BridgeToClarity: Must of not been your cup of tea to begin with. Despite what all the trolls say this game is shaping up to be one of the best Battlefield games in the franchise. Take it from someone who's been with the series since BF 1942. It's short on content, but you can blame that on all the loudmouths that complained about DLC to the point where EA scrapped it for a live service model.
@Slash_out: You're out of touch with reality. Games are half as profitable and cost more to produce now than they did 20 years ago. $60 doesn't cut it for a game anymore because of inflation. That's why DLC, lootboxes and microtransactions exist. The industry HAS to make up for that somewhere and this is it. Don't want these practices in the industry anymore? Then get ready to pay upwards to $110 for a game instead of $60.
$30 for a whole lotta game. Don't listen to the haters. BFV was awesome before Firestorm and it's even better now. Get that shit. You won't be disappointed and if you are, there's no hope for you.
Whoever keeps greenlighting these Doom movies needs to be fired. None of these people understand what makes the games so famous because when the movies come out they're nothing like the games at all. Stop trying to give Doom movies some significant plot with bad acting. Doom games are awesome and Doom guy doesn't even say a damn word.
Look Hollywood, it's easy. Have Doom guy running around Mars destroying demons in every brutal fashion possible for about 3 hours.
Or better yet don't make a fucking movie at all. Most video games DO NOT NEED ON SCREEN ADAPTATIONS.
Alright you BR haters need to find a new thing to be edgy and hate on. I'm not the biggest BR fan but I can easily see why it's so popular and despite how cool you guys think you are dropping a "NO MORE BR" comment on anything BR related, it's here to stay whether you like it or not.
Rushaoz's comments