@NTenseify: Yeap. I despise XV so when I hear someone say that it was good I immediately get triggered. This on the other hand is looking mighty awesome.
@CyberEarth: What are you stupid or just blinded by your stupidity? This battle system is nothing like XV's. Try to actually watch the battles and perceive what's happening instead of labeling it as something it isn't just because that's the way it looks on the surface. Pressing X and swinging your buster sword around barely does any damage to enemies that literally only took two basic attacks to take down in the original.
Sorry if I'm being aggressive but you're judging this book by Final Fantasy XVs cover and it isn't that at all. Final Fantasy XV was straight trash. I say that as a hardcore FF fan. So to see people compare the two triggers me immensely.
What's there to look at? With Sony and MS touting BC so much we should be able to just pop in the disc and enjoy a bump in res and FPS right? That is if the backwards compatibility isn't emulator based. Shouldn't be. The PS5 and Scarlett are still gonna run on the x86 architecture. Shouldn't be too hard to get games running on them. If I'm right then CDPR doesn't have to do a damn thing.
@Xristophoros: I agree with Crono. You're being way too negative for a game that's still a ways off. Shut up, watch and reserve judgement. Otherwise you're just coming off as a prick. As a longtime FF fan I'm super excited about this game. Don't need people like you jynxing it. FFVII isn't even my favorite FF (between VI and IX for me)
Also doubt you even played the original. 5 hours?! Maybe on your second or third playthrough. Took me about 27 hours to beat disc one when I first played FFVII. A good 12-16 hours were spent in Midgar.
Game is a huge undertaking. Turning a 80+ hour prerendered jRPG into a full 3D world is no easy feat. point is give these people a chance.
@Sindroid: Turn base combat is cliche now. Gamers nowadays are just too stupid for turn based jRPGs. SE wants this to be a commercial success. As much as I think FFXV was trash, it did really well and most people that are relatively new or have never played an FF game before loved it. So they're obviously gonna follow that model.
What would be nice is to give us the option for ATB as well as free form fighting for us old FF fans.
Can't wait for the PS5 but I have to say I'm worried about the hardware and it's capabilities. Even if it is a custom 8 core Ryzen chip it won't be faster than desktop Ryzen because the clock speeds are limited to 3.2 GHz. That means it won't even perform as well as a first gen Ryzen 1700 :-/ hopefully I'm wrong but I was correct about current gen consoles hitting their performance ceilings quickly because of their specs and the fact that they use the x86 architecture. Hopefully this won't be the case but at the moment not even the flagship 2700x can beat my 7700k in gaming so what does that say about next gen consoles? The weak point in the current gen consoles wasn't their GPUs, but the CPUs. Just load up a 64 player match of BFV and watch the FPS fall below 60 even on an Xbox One X.
Hopefully this won't be deja vu. I'd gladly pay $600-$800 for a console with massive balls. The PS3 had hardware way ahead of it's time and it lasted the entire generation not half like the crap hardware we got in the Xbox One and PS4.
@Xristophoros: This isn't a PC problem but a game engine optimization problem. I have two NVMe SSDs in RAID0 in my rig. At the moment my systems read and write speeds top out at 3GB/s and you're right, my games don't load anywhere near as fast as that number suggests. A cheap SATA SSD will have have the same load times as my NVMes. I can GUARANTEE you the PS5 doesn't get anywhere near those R/W speeds. My SSDs alone cost more than a PS4 Pro to put that into perspective but I digress.
The issue here is developer optimization. I completely agree with you I'm just trying to get you to understand that loading speeds are determined by the game engine and it's internal streaming capabilities, not the hardware itself. Hopefully these console optimizations will come across to PC. God knows there aren't any more developers out there that optimize for PC first and then console. Understandably so :-/
Rushaoz's comments