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Ryagan Blog

Sweet relief!!

Yes!! Stress free!! Kind of.. but still! Mostly stress free! I still have one project I need to finish up, but there isn't that much left to do on it. I'll probably finish it up on Thursday and Friday if need be.

Yesterday I spent five and a half hours doing homework. Yep, you heard me: five and a half hours. Shortly after I got home from school that day, I started on my umpteen assignments and didn't get done until 10 or so. I took breaks to keep my sanity, but I tried to keep them short. From now on, I'm going to start on assignments the day they're assigned. I don't procrastinate, but I usually start large assignments a couple weeks before they're due, and it stresses me out when I do.

Because I got all my assignments finished, I am greatly relieved. To celebrate, I played Tales of Vesperia today for a few hours. That game is addictive, and its plot gets increasingly interesting as you progress further into the game. If you havean Xbox 360 and don't mind story-driven RPGs, then get it. So far it's my favorite RPG of the seventh generation. It's a sham ethat the other Tales games are sohard to find and expensive. :? I would love to get Tales of Symphonia and Tales of the Abyss, but they both cost $30 at the very least.

I still have Prom to worry about. I think my group and I have everything planned, so everything should fall nicely into place. At least, I hope it will. :|

Worst... Prom... ever... (Those who have seen Carrie know what I'm talking about)

Final Fantasy XIII is just... bleh. I've stopped playing it for the time being. I might pick it up again once I finish the other far superior RPGs that I've been playing recently, but I'm tired of it right now. Too monotonous.

Like narrow hallways? Good, because you get to see them a lot in Final Fantasy XIII

I have a monthly subscription to GameInformer, and one ifits editors gave FFXIII the best RPG of 2010 award. The latest issue had a section thatshowed feedback of their awards and one of the feedback comments said that their awards were complete bull crap and fanboyish. I agreed. :lol: I still enjoy reading GameInformer, even if it does have some fanboys. Its articles are always informative and fun to read.

I did something out of the ordinary and watched a movie a few nights ago. Normally I usuallydon't likewatching movies because I hate just sitting there for a few hours when I could be doing more enjoyable things. I watched (500) Days of Summer, and I really enjoyed it. It's not your typical romance-ish movie.

That's all I can really say for now.

A week of stress lies ahead... yes yes

Bah!!! Stress! Where do I begin?! First of all, my ex-girlfriend told me that she wants me back, but the problem is that another girl asked me out! Then to make matters worse, my mother got sick and told me that I have to have 100 peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches made for her kindergarten classes tomorrow! And on topof that, my football coach wants me to gain 10 pounds by next Tuesday! How am I supposed to gain 10 pounds in a week!!?? Things were then made worse when my grandma told me that I have to clean up her whole house by this Thursday as a punishment for using her house to throw a party! Oh yeah, and I have three huge school projects due by this Friday! How am I supposed to manage all this????

Nah, just kidding. I've never had a girlfriend, no on has asked me out, my mother is not a kindergarten teacher, I would never do football in a million years, and I would never throw a party at my gradmother's house. Her house isn't cool enough to host a party. :P

Really, though, this week IS going to be stressful. I really do have three huge projects due this Friday, and Prom is this weekend. As you can imagine, Prom is stressful. "Does this dressmake my muffin top look more noticeable?" "Uh...." Prom isn't stressful for that reason, though. It's stressful for other reasons. The three huge projects are stressful too. There are two of them that I haven't even started yet.

Because of this, I am going to need to be less active onGameSpot and gaming in general for a few days. I will make a blog of my return when this is finished. Afterward, I will celebrate with tea and crumpets. I just looked up tea and crumpets on Urban Dictionary. Apparently it's British codeword for beer and hoes. Somehow I don't think I'm going to celebrate my completion that way. :?

That's enough silliness for today.

"I shall return!"

That, my friends, was a profound quote from Douglas MacArthur. How is it profound? I don't know. :|

Games That Hate Me #1: Persona 4 + A Small Announcement

I've decided to start a new blog series of ranting about games that I have an extremely hard time with. I saw something similar in a blog on a different site, and I thought it was a fun idea. The one I saw didn't go too much into detail, so I decided I'd use the same concept and get more into depth and use pics from the game.

I've been playing Persona 4 lately, and it's one of the best RPGs I've ever played. It's also one of the toughest RPGs I've ever played. I originally started playing it on the normal difficulty setting, but I thought it was too hard, so I started over on the beginner setting. It's STILL tough. The sad part is that I've only gotten through two dungeons so far...

Hardcore innuendo? You decide...

On the beginner difficulty setting, the game starts you off with 10 Moon Tsukubames, which are items that revive you after you die. You get 10 and ONLY 10. I've already used seven. I'm terrible at this game.

It's a shame that Personas aren't summoned this way in Persona 4...

Even though I suck at this game, I still love it. I made Yosuke my profile picture because I find the characters of this game to be very realistic and fun.

Now just what makes this game so hard? The battling. The boss battles are insanely difficult. I'm talking Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door's final boss difficult. Standard battles can be fairly difficult as well. As mentioned, I've revived myself seven times and can only do it three more times. I can't even imagine how I'll survive with only three Moon Tsukubames.

Something that I don't seem to have in this game...

From what I gather, Persona 4's difficulty curve slowly descends as you progress through the game, which makes no sense to me. Why start a game off with a punishing difficulty? I've also heard that it requires a bit of grinding in the beginning, but I hate grinding. (I love RPGs, but I hate grinding... Weird, right?) I guess I'll just have to buckle down and have a grind-fest, even if it kills me.

Even though Persona 4 hates me, I love it. It's a case of unrequinted love, you see. :P One thing I forgot to mention is that it has one of the coolest opening sequences ever, just watch it:


By the way, I'm thinking of allowing people to ask me to proof-read and make necessary edits to articles and reviews for unions, provided I'm given credit. I enjoy doing it for other people, so if you run a union and hate going through and editing articles and reviews, send me a PM and I'll see what I can do. :) I'm very passionate about grammar and the English language and study it all the time.

Upcoming lists and such

There are some lists that I want to make, particularly top 10s. I love reading top 10 listsbecuase I find them so interesting to read. I've recently done a Top 10 Sonic games list and aTop 10 Mario games list, and they were really fun to make. I've decided that I want to do a top 10 of the following:

- Top 10 N64 Games

- Top 10 Video Game Soundtracks

- Top 10 Platformers

- Top 10 Super Smash Bros. Stages

- Top 10 Super Mario Galaxies

- Top 10 RPGs (that won't be made for a while)

After I make some of these lists, I think I'll want to eventually make a Top 30 Favorite Games of All Time list. That won't be for a while, though.

As for the "and such" part of this blog mentioned in the title, P3 and P4 continue to be awesome. They're extremely creative and compelling RPGs that deserve the attention of just about anyone who likes role-playing.

I beat The Perfect Run on SMG2. I got my brother to help me, and he stopped obstacles and enemies for me to make it a bit easier. Yes, I guess I cheated, but I still beat it. It would've driven me crazy if I didn't beat it.

School life has been fine. I've finally recovered from being severely back-handed by a crazy thing known as "reality." I've come to learn to a few things: good girls often go slutty, douche nuzzles get all the chicks (undeservingly), some people get the idea that making new friends means that you ignore your old ones and act stuck up, and sometimes stereotypes exist for very valid reasons. I used to believe that stereotypes were simply false labels that people didn't deserve, but after being beaten by reality, I learned that maybe some stereotypes at my school are accurate after all. :P

As for other life-related stuff, I'm not going to do any sports for the remainder this year. I tried for a sport earlier this year, but it didn't work out so well. I was going to do a spring sport this year, but after discovering that none of my friends are participating in any of the spring sports that I'm interested in, I decided it just wasn't worth it. Sports are boring with friends, andthere wasno oneparticitping in spring sports who I'd actually want to get to know. I enjoy exercising, I think it's very important for maintaining good health, but I hate doing it on a strict schedule and have to miss school to go to games and meets and such. I find those things horrendously boring, so I decided that I'm just going to exercise on my own this spring. :P It's a lot more fun that way.

Sure I won't really have much a life due to not doing sports and stuff, but I'm perfectly fine with that. The world thinks that all men should be buff and muscularin order to pick up teh sexeh womenz, but girls who are shallow enough to only like men who are like that are not sexeh womenz in my eyes; they are merely shallow girls who lack proper intelligence. Pardon me if I come of as sexiest. I don't mean to. Not all girls are like this, just the stupid ones. :)

Anyway, I'm extremely tired right now. It's 2 AM where I live right now, and I should probably go lie in bed now. That's all for now.

The Perfect Run...

After MONTHS of collecing all thepower stars and green starsin SMG2, I finally reached the Grandmaster Galaxy just a few hours ago. I had seen videos on YouTube of people beating The Perfect Run, and I thought to myself, "Wow. That looks really difficult." As I was attempting to get the first power star in the Grandmaster Galaxy, I kept dying and thought, "Crap. If I'm having this much trouble beating this even though it's noticeably easier, then there's not way I'll be able to beat The Perfect Run!"

I finally got the first power star from the Grandmaster Galaxy, and the comet appeared on it. I knew very well that I should have at least gotten my brother to jump in as a second player for co-op purposes such as taking out enemies, but being the intelligent soul that I am, I thought, "Oh what the heck!" and tried it. Wow... I suck a lot. The Perfect Run is HARD!!! It's thehardest thing I've never played in a Mario game! (I haven't played the Lost Levels.) The farthest I've progressed is to the part where the thingies on the ground try to shock you while you're running on the dissolving and flipping tiles. I'm going to try and see if I can get my brother to help me out with it. The second player can stop shocky thingies and spin enemies out of control.

In other random stuff, P3FES is awesome. The social link system keeps things fresh, and the dungeon crawling is strangely fun. The battles are also fun, too. I like it a lot so far. It's easily one of the best RPGs I've ever played. Once I beat it, I'll resume P4.

I've decided that it's time I resume Majora's Mask. I've put off beating the Great Bay Temple for too long. Speaking of Zelda, happy birthday to one of the greatest franchises ever made!

That is all. :|

Something that bothers me about Sony

I've been reading a lot of articles about the New Generation Portable.The NGP has a lot of cool featuers: 3G, touch screen (no stylus required! *cheesy grin*), two analog sticks (something the PSP should've had), HD graphics, and so on and so forth. All these features made me think about a recurring problem with Sony, however. For years, Sony has been trying to what the ridiculous looking Snuggie blankets did. "One size fits all!" (For those who don't know what a Snuggie is, look it up on YouTube.) Thank goodness they don't advertise those things anymore... or do they?

Anyway, let's back up a few years. Sony took its first jab at the "one size fits all" mumbo jumbo when they first released the PlayStation 2 by allowing it to play DVDs. It was actually quite convenient because you didn't have to get behind the TV and get funky with the cords in order to re-connect the DVD player. I actually purchased a PS2 recently, and it's niceto have a built-in DVD player because now I have a way to watch movies in my bedroom (I have a TV in my room).

Sony took this a step further with the PlayStation Portable. It had the ability to store and play music, watch movies, and you could even browse the internet (albeit in a very annoying, limited, and sluggish fashion). "Game over, Gameboy," right? Not exactly. By the time the PSP was out, theNintendo Dual Screen was already out. The DS didn't have any fancy features (at least not until the DSi), but it hadsomething extremely important thing over the PSP: games. People, myself included, didn't care that the DS didn't have as good of graphics or the ability to store entertainment. They liked it because it had a bucket-load of awesome games. That's not to say the PSP has terrible games. It has Final Fantasy spin-offs, Kingdom Hearts spin-offs,varioussequels and additions to popular series, and various remakes/ports of obscure PS1 games. In spite of this, the DS is still more popular and offers games that portable gamers enjoy more such as Pokemon, Professor Layton, The Legend of Zelda, Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, Dragon Quest, Chrono Trigger, The World Ends With You, and so on.

Enter the PlayStation 3, a console that had a built-in Blu-Ray player (plus Blu-Ray quality games)and sold for a whopping $600 dollars at its release. Sony had a lost a chunk of exclusives, but it was okay because the system had Blu-Ray... right? No. Absolutely not. The Wii and Xbox 360 were doing a lot better than the PS3. Why? It's because of the games they offered. The Wii offered games that appealed to the whole family (even some bloody stuff for the older kids). The Xbox 360 and PS3 shared the multiplatform games that used to be exclusive to Sony's consoles, and the Xbox 360 was cheaper. Plus, the Xbox 360 still kept its major exclusives. Another thing that hurt the PS3 was that the PS2 was still getting new games. In its final years, it got games like Rogue Galaxy, Persona 3, Persona 4, and various third-party games. Why? The PS2's fanbase was stronger than the PS3's. Why? The games! It's all about the games!

This now brings us to a few months ago when Sony and Microsoft came out with newmotion control add-onsin an attempt to get in on the motion control action that the Wii was offering. Sony came out with the silly-looking PlayStation Move, which was like the Wii, but you got to play with disco sticks (I bet Lady GaGa liked it). My family purchased an Xbox 360 just a few months ago, and what's funny about that is we purchased four controllers, the Kinect, and a Blu-Ray player, and it was cheaper than the PS3 with all the controllers needed for the Move and to play regular games.

You guys may be getting the impression that I'm simply a Nintendo fanboy and that I'm bashing on Sony, but that's not the case. The PS3 still has some worthy exclusives such as LittleBigPlanet, Ratchet and Clank, and God of War. The point of this blog is to say that I think Sony is putting too much focus on the "one size fits all" gimmick. Video game systems are made to play games. Nintendo still has yet to offer a system that offers more than Netflix in terms of entertainment, andthey're doing just fine because oftheir games. (Last year the Wii had an incredible holiday line-up.)

Sure it's cool that Sony is trying to cram so much into video game consoles, but they need to focus on what video game consoles are originally made for, and that focus should be on games. Nintendo's had this focus ever since the beginning, and they're still going strong. This is why people are more excited for the 3DS than they are for the NGP. The focus on games is what made the PS2 the best-selling console of all-time. Innovation is imporant, but trying to cram entertainment on a machine intended for video games is not innovation. Cramming entertainment on a video game console simply leads to a high price and low sales. Need proof? Look at the PS3's sales at its first launch.

Those are my thoughts. Disagree if you wish, but flaming this will simply make you look immature. There's a fine line between them, you know.

Persona 3 FES and Persona 4 first impressions

I wasn't on the internet that much yesterday, and there's a reason for that, the reason being Persona 3 FES and Persona 4. Mostly P3FES.

I was up very late last night playing P3FES, and I was beginning to develop a head ache because of how long I'd been playing it. Here's what I think so far:

P3FES is a very unique game, albeit a very emo one. The opening scene shows a girl who's about ready to shoot herself in the head. I was a bit annoyed by how many cutscenes I had to watch before I actually got into the good stuff, but now I'm a few hours into it. I've adapted to the routine of P3FES: work on social links, explore Tartarus, and rinse and repeat with a little studying between. The social link system is actually really interesting, and it really helps the game distinguish itself from other RPGs. I've only started a few social links so far, so they do bear a degree of tedium, but it's still interesting.

The dungeon crawling is actually a fairly solid aspect as well. There isn't a lot of visual variety per each floor, but Tartarus is still interesting to explore, especially when you advance to a new block. (I'm currently on the second block.)

So far, P3FES's major problems lie within its presentation and battle system. The presentation is very stylish and dark, but the load times are ridiculous. Every time you enter a new room: BAM! Load time. Every time you exit the room: BAM! Another load time. It makes traversing through the school to access your after-school activities a very annoying process because it takes such a long time to do with all the load times.

Its other major problem is its combat system. It may be stylish and have a fun pace, but the lack of control is bound to tempt you to punch a small animal. The party members make some pretty poor combat decisions, and it can make the non-boss battles frustratingly tough, and I'm playing it on the easy setting! [Insert obscenities here] On the bright side, however, the combat does have an interesting amount of strategy put into it, and shooting yourself in the head to summon a Persona is always entertaining to watch.

Earlier today I played a bit more of P4. I decided to play it on the normal difficulty setting because I figured that I'd be able to stomach more of a challenge if I had control over my party members. The story is extremely intruiging, and the characters have fun, risible personalities. Being able to control your allies in combat is awesome, and the amount of strategy you have to pour intoit makes it very interesting and fun. I haven't gotten to start any social links because I'm not that far into it yet, but so far I really like P4.

Something I must mention is that both P3FES and P4 have really good soundtracks. In fact, my copy of P4 came with the soundtrack disc. The combinatin of Engrish (not that's a typo) and J-music really make it interesting.

That's all I have to say about these games for now.

I got a PS2!!!!

I ordered PS2 from Amazon a few days ago, and it just came in the mail today. It came with everything that's needed to play it (cords, memory card, controller, etc.). It came with two controllers, but one of them is beat up, broken, and it won't work. That's okay, though, becuase I've heard that PS1 controllers can work with a PS2, and I happen to have one so that works out well.

When I ordered it, the descrption said it came with two games. Those two games were Need for Speed: Underground 2 and Splinter Cell. They, indeed, came with it, and when I opened the disc tray, there was ANOTHER game in there. The game was Star Wars: Battlefront. I'm obviously not interested in any of these games, but I might give NFS a try. I have an old friend who used to love that game when we were younger.

I may not be terribly interested in the games that came with the PS2, but fortunately I ordered some games to play on it, and those games are Persona 3: FES and Persona 4. I'm very excited for those to come in the mail. I've heard great things about these games, and I find their plots and concepts to be very fascinating.

I do have some concerns about my PS2, though. I've heard that they break easily, and I have the old phat model, which has been said to have an unreliable design. I'm especially concerned because I bought it used. Forutnately, however, I've been told that if it plays PS1 games and early PS2 games, it's in good shape. I popped in Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back to see if it would work, and luckily it did. I'm still worried, though. :?

Persona 3: FES and Persona 4 should hopefully come in the mail within the next day or two. They're some ofthe main reasons I bought a PS2 (along with Final Fantasy X, Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, Tales of the Abyss, and Dragon Quest 8). This will, unfortunately, be my last game purchase of the year because it went past my budget, which was $100 (everything cost $110 altogether). If I get bored of my PS2, which I hope I don't, then I'll most likely be trying to complete games that I've started but have yet to finish, such as Okami, Sonic Colors, Tales of Vesperia, Final Fantasy XIII (maybe... I'll have to think about that one :P), and Donkey Kong Country Returns.

That's all for now. I'm very excited to have a PS2 again.

Odd facts about myself

People have been making blogs like this, so I thought I'd give it a shot.

I'm both anti-social and social at the same time. There are some times where I simply don't feel like hanging out with my friends, but there are other times when I do. I think I'm half and half.

I hate using the word "got" if it's not in a past-tense. I don't say, "I've got five books," I'd much rather say, "I have five books." I don't know why, but I do. It actually drives me crazy whenever I people say "I've got." I'm just odd that way.

I don't give the slightest crap about what others think of me unless they're family. I always see my friends trying to find someone to walk to class with, most likely so they don't fee like a loner, but I'm different. I'm not going to try and find someone to walk to class with just so I can look cool. If they have the same class as me or have a class that's on the way of mine, then I'll walk with them, but I honestly don't care if people think I look like a "loner" if I walk by myself. I'm also very straightforward with others. I don't like dumbing down what I say so it sounds nicer. I prefer to come out and say it.

I hate using most slang. Sentences like, "Dude, that's sick!" drive me insane. I rarely use slang words, and I only do if I'm mocking a certain type of people or joking around.

I think sleeping is a waste of time. I only sleep because I have to. Sure I like being able to sleep in a little bit on the weekends because I hate being tired throughout the day, but if humans didn't have to sleep and could survive without it, I would opt out of sleeping. When you sleep in until 11 or later, you've practically wasted half the day.

Food generally doesn't excite me. If someone said to me, "Hey let's go out to eat!" I wouldn't get excited unless if it were my favorite restaurant. I mostly enjoy going out to eat for the social aspect, not for the food. I would much rather stay home and just eat something there isntead of going out for slightly-above-average food. I don't hate eating, but food in general isn't exciting to me. (Unless, like I said before, if it's food at my favorite restaurant, or a favorite food in general.)

I don't like people touching me unless if it's a high-five or something like that. I hate it when people grab my shoulderor arm whenever they say hi to me. It's mostly adults who do this, and it drives me crazy. "Friend hugs" and stuff like that always bug me, too. Thismight bea problem that I might encounter if I ever get a girlfriend who likes to hold hands. :P

I hate it when people copy off each other's assignments, including mine. It drives me insane becuase the people are too lazy to do the assignments themselves.

I'm not someone who does a lot of online gaming. It's buggy, laggy, and notvery fun. I'd rather invite some friends over and play a multiplayer game locally. (This is odd, especially when considering that I have an Xbox 360.)

I don't like watching movies as much as most people do. I'd much rather watch an episode of a TV show, play a video game, or read a book because you can do those at your own pace and don't have to sit there and watch a whole thing in one sitting. I especially hate watching movies if I'm in a theater. I don't hate movies, but I don't like them nearly as much as most people do.

The only time of the year I watch sports games is the Super Bowl. Even then, I don't watch the whole thing. I think watching sports is boring.

I don't find physical humor funny unless it's in person, but even still it's not enough to make me laugh out loud. I tend to laugh more at humor if it's in dialogue or conversation. If someone tells me a story that's like, "Oh it was so funny! My friends and I were running away from a dog, and that one guy tripped and smacked his groin on a fire hydrant!" I'm not going to find it funny. I find innuendo, slip-ups in speech, and clever jokes to be far more humorous than someone losing their ability have kids because of them hitting their groin on something.

You now know random information about myself. Huzzah. :P

My Top 10 Mario Games

Mario: Nintendo's mascot who revolutionized gaming- twice!

The Plump Plumber has been in many great games, and I'm going to share what my top 10 are. Before I get in to the list, there are a few things you should know: this is MY LIST. If you think it sucks, then go make your own list. Another imporatnt thing to know is that I like new Mario games better than old Mario games. That being said, this is going to be an odd list. Brace yourselves.

10. Super Mario Bros

Super Mario Bros. Boxshot

This gamerevolutionized platformers, and gaming in general for that matter, and it still holds upwell today as a fun, simple platformer.

9. Super Mario Bros. 3

Super Mario Bros. 3 Boxshot

Whatz??? Dis iznt hier on teh list???!!!1 Again people, MY list. I like this game, but it still frustrates me to no end with its tough-as-nails difficulty. I actually think this is where the Mario series started to take shape. It added that quirkiness to the franchise that we know and love today. This is often referred to as the best Mario game of all time, but I feel differently. It's still a very good game, though.

8. Mario Kart: Double Dash!!

Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Boxshot

There are so many memories I have with this game it's not even funny. This is by far my favorite Mario Kart. Its double dash feature added a fun twist to the racing, and the tracks were well-designed and fun to play. My friends and I prefer this over Mario Kart Wii by a longshot.

7. Mario &Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story

Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story Boxshot

When it comes to RPGs, Mario almost never fails, and this is no exception.Its battle systems was fun, and its quirkiness made it a very enjoyable experience. Sure the game's a bity easy, but it's still very enjoyable. I actually didn't like this game at first, but it grew on me.

6.Super Mario 64

Super Mario 64 Boxshot

This game took 3D platforming to whole new level by giving players large, varied worlds to explore, and it was a lot of fun to play. Sure the camera was miserable to work with, but the platforming and exploring were top-notch and influenced many games to come.

5. Super Mario World

Super Mario World Boxshot

This game took everything good from the Super Mario Bros. games and perfected them while adding a few twists of its own. It also introduced us to everyone's favorite dinosaur, Yoshi. The levels ooze with that fun, hectic, difficult goodness that makes Mario games so enjoyable.

4. Super Mario Sunshine

Super Mario Sunshine Boxshot

Yep, that's right. I like this game more than Super Mario 64.Sure the levels weren't varied or terribly large, but they were still a lot of fun to explore. It may have stuck to an island motiff the whole time, but that's one of the things I loved about it. FLUDD was also a nice addition as well. The biggest problem I had with this game was the "Secret" stages. They're hard, frustrating, and not very fun. Other than that, it was a great game that got more criticism than it deserved. Sure it was different, but that didn't make it bad.

3. Paper Mario

Paper Mario Boxshot

WhenI was in first grade, I played this game nonstop. I didn't ask for a lot of video games as a child because I was too scared to ask my parents for them, but this was different. My brother, who played agood numberof video games at the time, rented this for a while, and I played a little bit of it and loved it. After it was returned to the rental store, I asked my mother if we could actually buy the game. She made a deal with me, which I'm not going into detail about because it's a bit embarrassing, and if I kept the deal, she would get me the game. Surely enough, I kept my end of the deal, and she got me the game. I simply couldn't stop playing it because I loved its battle system, towns, characters, and dungeons. It was the first game I had ever beaten, and it's still one of my favorites to this day. I've beaten it umpteen times, and I'll probably beat it umpteen more times.

2. Super Mario Galaxy 2

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Boxshot

I didn't like the SMG games at first, but they really grew on me. SMG2 is ridiculously good. There have been times where I've had a hard time pulling myself away from it. There's so much to do, and it's a lot of fun to play. It was also ahuge improvement over its predecessor because itwas more challengingand had betterpower-ups (Yoshi!).This is easily the best platformer I've ever played. I know that sounds crazy, but it seriously is. If you haven't played this game, do it now!

1. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Boxshot

Anyone who knows me saw this coming. I love this game a lot, and I've beaten it umpteen times. It did just about everything right. Its storyline was excellent, the battle system was fun, the characters were awesome, and it had a great sense of humor. I know I mentioned those things in the Paper Mario section of this list, but PM: TTYD improved on EVERYTHING from the first. When I played the first Paper Mario, I thought, "Wow! Nothing can top this!" but I was dead-wrong. I could blog all day about how awesome this game is, but I probably shouldn't because it's 12 in the morning where I live. Long-story short: it's my favorite Mario game, and I strongly recommend it.

Honorable mentions

Super Mario Galaxy BoxshotNew Super Mario Bros. Wii BoxshotSuper Mario Bros. 2 BoxshotSuper Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars Boxshot

That's my list. If you don't like it, go make your own.