@wretch1d: Actually, no. But if it will soothe your fractured ego, I'll edit the post.
I even point out that I'm typically not good at these kinds of games online and that the fact that I am probably speaks more to the inexperience level of other players and not that I'm good at the game.
@celeritasgamer1: I may have been a little bit, but my point is that I'm NOT normally good at games like this. The fact that I was in this instance makes me question all the "points" people are trying to make about enemies being bullet-sponges. Maybe I lucked out and chose the right combo of gear / guns / whatever, but I haven't had much trouble in the game thus far. There were a few times I got repeatedly killed by people in the Dark Zone, but for the most part it seems pretty easy to hold your own. And I'm a guy who gets constantly wrecked if I try and play Call Of Duty and though I love Battlefield, I struggle to maintain over a 1.0 KDR.
Sidenote, if the numbers are immersion breaking, there's an option to turn them off. The numbers just reminded me of games like Borderlands where the focus is on leveling up / getting better gear which IS the focus of this game.
If you want no numbers and "better immersion", play Counter Strike or Insurgency.
I don't get the people bitching about enemies being bullet sponges. Maybe you're just not that good? To me, the game has seemed rather easy. Enemies seems to go down fairly quickly, then once I got the sniper rifle I could 1 or 2-shot enemies at a distance.
My first experience in the Dark Zone, I ran past a group of 4 guys. I held my reticule on them and saw they were Non-Hostile Agents, so I didn't think much of it. As soon as I ran past, they all shot me in the back. So I thought, "Okay, I'm coming back and killing ALL OF YOU." As soon as I respawned, I found them trying to climb a ladder in a narrow alley. I tossed out a grenade and started unloading on them. Killed the one gun on the ground, then killed his friend coming down the ladder. As the third went to revive his friend I detonated the remote mine I placed. I dropped the 4th guy, but he downed me at the same time.
I don't play online much these days, and this was the best I've come off in a while. So either I just happen to be good at this game, or everybody else is bad. I tend to believe the latter.
@Myron117: In this case it's less about hardware sales and more about software sales. Sure, if PS4s are selling like hotcakes on their own there's less incentive to offer more higher quality games, but I think it really comes down to publishers. My guess is that Sony talks to a publisher and says, "How much would we have to give you to offer your game for free on Plus this month?" If the answer is too high, they wait until demand and sales of the game go down. Then when they ask again the figure might be lower. Think of it like "Deal Or No Deal."
I imagine some companies are too greedy though for it to be worth Sony's while to offer a game on Plus. This is why you never see any Activision retail releases on Plus.
@gmac44: I would wager they'll offer Second Son and probably some other big retail games like the Uncharted Collection and The Order 1886 at some point in 2016. They have to let these game outlive their shelf life or reach their sales potential before offering them for free. Otherwise it's just a straight loss on their part.
@sladey: Or it could be nominated in a "Best Multiplayer"category, couldn't it? Game Of The Year whether it's by platform or overall implies that EVERYTHING the game offers is of high quality. I haven't played Halo 5, so I can't speak on it personally, but I've heard many people say that the MP is great and the SP story is lame. If that's true, then the game doesn't offer the full package to be considered for Game Of The Year. If we're judging it solely by it's multiplayer for a different category? Sure.
@megawalrus: Exactly. People act like the Game Of The Year for each platform needs to be EXCLUSIVE to that platform, and it doesn't. It just needs to be considered the best. This trips people up somehow. Like how if a Sony exclusive was the best game on the PS4 but the overall GOTY ends up being a multiplat that's on PS4 /XBO. It's like people can't comprehend that there are different opinions depending on the circumstances.
Ryan_Som's comments