To paraphrase a quote from the movie 100 Girls: "All these groups are fighting each other. Racist, sexists, fascists, feminists. There are just too many 'ists' in the world, when what we really need more of are humanists."
Any time something like this is brought up, I never feel that it helps. I find racism, sexism, and any kind of bigotry hilarious. Why? Because it's completely absurd. I myself am a straight male, yet I have friends that are gay men, gay women, trans men, straight men, straight women, and people of all races. Do you know what I call them? Whatever their name is. Everybody has their own identity, but I don't label them that way. You are who you are. Gay straight, black, white, whatever. If you're my friend, that's who you are to me. I don't care what you look like, just be a good person. If you're a genuine human being, I'm not gonna analyze every single facet of your genetic makeup (I'm also an atheist and one of my best friends is a Christian). The problem that I see here is that people won't let things die. Is there bitterness and prejudice in the world? Sure. And there always will be. I just feel like any time the subject of one group being ostracized by another comes up all it does is come of as a means to draw attention to their cause. All you're doing is continuing the cycle by not breaking the chain. The ones who hate won't change their minds, and the ones who want to change will come to you when they want answers. I'm just saying, I'm all for standing up in what you believe, but there's no need to stand on a soapbox when there's no crowd to be seen.
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