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Ryeferd Blog

Well that kinda snuck up on me...

The seventh, and final season of Scrubs starts on Thursday! :o

"My own worst enemy" :

"JD contemplates his commitment to Kim, Elliot struggles with the idea of her upcoming marriage, and Carla tries to protect her diabetic husband from his own sweet tooth."

In other news, my bass playing is going well. The band hasn't had a practice yet, but we're getting there :P

My birthday is coming up (Nov 3rd), and everyone keeps asking me what I want...I DON'T KNOW! :cry:

...one more thing. Is it normal to listen to two songs over and over for more than a week? Because I've been playing the two leaked Streetlight Manifesto songs over and over for more than a week. :|

you have a week to comment or you will be killed in your sleep!

...or at least removed from my friends list. :P

my list is getting too overpopulated with people I've never seen before, so I'm cleaning it out.

A few of you won't be removed even if you fail to comment cuz you're special...I think you know who you are.

...and just so you have something interesting to look at while you comment, here's a quick educational summary of WWII:

I had a pretty good day...

I ate a nice tasty Wendys spicy chicken sandwich

Two of Streetlight Manifesto's new songs leaked onto the internets (they're unfathomably awesome...I've been listening to them non stop for the past three hours :lol: ) One of them inspired mah new sig:

Adrian and I were informed that we are officially part of the band (I guess it wasn't "official" before :P )

the weather was nice for a change

I played the Ratchet and Clank demo on my PS3 (Really good game...I might get it if I have any money left after the rest of the games I want :P )

and the world didn't end. That's always a plus...right?

...so, how were your days?

:o I've been drafted... [update: now with old videos!]

...into the ska band formerly known as Same old stuff! Apparently I'm going to play bass...even though I'm not very good at it at the moment. :P

Technically, it's going to be a totally new band now. We'll have a new name, and we'll be writing more for lack of a better word, "serious" songs than what Same old stuff was known for, while still retaining the band's high energy craziness.

Old pics of SoS:

Old videos of SoS (their first show...a battle of the bands at my old high school):



I'll keep you guys and gals posted as I get more info. :)

Ryeferd's November timeline.

I was just thinking about how November is shaping up to be pretty damn awesome this year, so I guess I have no choice but to blog about it...

- Nov. 3rd: Ryeferd turns 20:

- Nov. 5th: Call of Duty 4 comes out:

- Nov. 7th: Streetlight Manifesto's "Somewhere in the Between" is released

- Nov. 13th: The release date of the best game that will ever be made by mankind:

-Nov. 20th: Potentially amazing PS3 game Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is set to release:

-Nov. 21st: The somewhere in the between tour comes to Orlando:

-Nov. 29th: Ryeferd wins 40 billion dollars

-Nov. 30th: Ryeferd wakes up from the dream where he won 40 billion dollars:

Stuff I've deemed to be blog worthy...

Hey kids!...it's time for more mini blogs :D

The Somewhere in the between tour:

Those two ^, and a new band called The Stitch Up will be touring this winter to support Streetlight's new album, and they're playing a show here in Orlando! :o :D

I can't wait until November 21st :)

Streetlight will obviously be amazing, Suburban legends should be pretty good if they play their old ska stuff, and not too much of their new pop/disco-ish crap, and I don't know anything about The Stitch Up.

One less hour staring at empty pools every night:

My all powerful Disney overlords were generous enough to let us go back to our normal hours at work every night (3:00-10:30.) Those summer hours were brutal...I won't miss them. :|

All grown up:

My little sister turns eighteen on Saturday. We're still trying to figure out what to do for her. If we end up having a big surprise party like we did for her sixteenth, Joe and I might have to show up and do a sexay dance in our little red lifeguard shorts...which will admittedly be a bit weird, but some of her friends are hawt 8)

Finishing a fight that I never started:

I beat Halo 3 a few days ago. having never played the first two, I had no idea what was going on, but it was still pretty fun :P

My phone died:

The little Samsung cell phone that I've been carrying around for about four years now finally died out on me. It's kinda sad because there are so many memories on that little bastard...pictures from high school, and videos of us shooting Matt with a paintball gun, rolling him down a giant hill in a trashcan, and generally beating him up in various, hilarious ways. :P

I suppose it was due to me walking around at work last night in a torrential downpour with my phone in a not so waterproof backpack. I guess I'll be going phone shopping tomorrow...I hate the sprint store! :evil:

[scrubs] Rumors:

As most of you know (I think...though there are a lot of newbies tracking me lately :P ) I'm a huge fan of Scrubs. The seventh, and final season is starting on Oct. 25th. I've heard two minor bits of info about the new season

*minor possible spoilers*

- Aloma Wright, (the actress who played Laverne, who died last season) will be back for the final season. rumor has it that she'll be playing a new character who is the exact opposite of Laverne, and JD is the only one who notices that she looks exactly like the late nurse Roberts.

- Dr. Kelso might be leaving Sacred Heart...I wonder who could be the new chief of medicine?...

I have a couple of days off work, so I'll be able to check for comments often...if I don't get some...I'll probably die a little inside. :(

:o Bonsai monkeys AKA the best idea ever!!!

My friends and I were just chiilin' in my grandma's pool today, and somehow the conversation got to those little bonsai trees. They look like real trees, but they're tiny:

Joe had the best idea ever: we're going to plant a forest of these things, and then breed tiny bonsai monkeys to live in them! We'll make MILLIONS! :shock: :o

Ryeferd's Reviews: The iPod Touch

Things I like:

- big, beautiful screen

- easy to use multitouch interface

- Good battery life (when listening to music...more on that later)

- it can pick up my wi-fi signal from a few hundred yards away (I don't know if that has more to do with my wi-fi router, or the iPod, but my PSP doesnt come close to that kind of range)

- Coverflow makes album art important again

- The screen is covered with unscratchable (and possibly bullet proof) glass

Things I don't like:

- The battery life is not great when surfing the web, watching videos, or doing anything but listening to music

- The back is easily scratchable

- I can't use it to post on gamesopt :cry:

Sell out! With me oh yeah...

Before today I was one of the (I assume) Very few XBOX 360 owners with no interest in Halo 3. I've barely played more than a few minutes of the previous games in the series, but today Joe and I went out and bought Microsoft's newest shooter.

I guess the hype got to us. :P

It's not the best looking game, but the controls, music, and sound effects are superb. The online lobby system seems a bit overly complicated, but once your in a good match, you realize why people love the series so much. It doesn't feel like it deserved a 9.5, but It's definitely worth 60 bucks.

Did I sell out to Microsoft? I don't know. I'll let you guys and gals be the judge of that. All I know is I'll be enjoying this game for a while (At least until Assassin's Creed, and Call of Duty 4 come out :P )

iPod Touch pic extravaganza!

I wanted to post this from my new iPod, but GS won't make it's self compatible with Safari...or maybe Safari won't make it's self compatible with GS...either way, I can't post from my iPod :(

anyway, I've got lots of pics! Enjoy :)

I'll write a review or something when I've had more time to play with it. Unfortunately, I have to work today. :(