Hey kids!...it's time for more mini blogs :D
The Somewhere in the between tour:
Those two ^, and a new band called The Stitch Up will be touring this winter to support Streetlight's new album, and they're playing a show here in Orlando! :o :D
I can't wait until November 21st :)
Streetlight will obviously be amazing, Suburban legends should be pretty good if they play their old ska stuff, and not too much of their new pop/disco-ish crap, and I don't know anything about The Stitch Up.
One less hour staring at empty pools every night:
My all powerful Disney overlords were generous enough to let us go back to our normal hours at work every night (3:00-10:30.) Those summer hours were brutal...I won't miss them. :|
All grown up:
My little sister turns eighteen on Saturday. We're still trying to figure out what to do for her. If we end up having a big surprise party like we did for her sixteenth, Joe and I might have to show up and do a sexay dance in our little red lifeguard shorts...which will admittedly be a bit weird, but some of her friends are hawt 8)
Finishing a fight that I never started:
I beat Halo 3 a few days ago. having never played the first two, I had no idea what was going on, but it was still pretty fun :P
My phone died:
The little Samsung cell phone that I've been carrying around for about four years now finally died out on me. It's kinda sad because there are so many memories on that little bastard...pictures from high school, and videos of us shooting Matt with a paintball gun, rolling him down a giant hill in a trashcan, and generally beating him up in various, hilarious ways. :P
I suppose it was due to me walking around at work last night in a torrential downpour with my phone in a not so waterproof backpack. I guess I'll be going phone shopping tomorrow...I hate the sprint store! :evil:
[scrubs] Rumors:
As most of you know (I think...though there are a lot of newbies tracking me lately :P ) I'm a huge fan of Scrubs. The seventh, and final season is starting on Oct. 25th. I've heard two minor bits of info about the new season
*minor possible spoilers*
- Aloma Wright, (the actress who played Laverne, who died last season) will be back for the final season. rumor has it that she'll be playing a new character who is the exact opposite of Laverne, and JD is the only one who notices that she looks exactly like the late nurse Roberts.
- Dr. Kelso might be leaving Sacred Heart...I wonder who could be the new chief of medicine?...
I have a couple of days off work, so I'll be able to check for comments often...if I don't get some...I'll probably die a little inside. :(
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