I haven't finished it yet so I can't be sure, but one thing is certain: It's the best game I've played in years.
Ubisoft's rendition of the crusades era holy land is the most realistic game world I've ever seen. there are people everywhere...people who are actually doing stuff! beggars will constantly try to stop you and ask you for money, drunks will pick fights with you, and groups of monks will let you blend in with them to sneak past suspicious guards...as long as you help them when they're in need.
the combat is superb. everything from the stealth assassinations with your hidden switchblade to the standard sword fights is flawless. pushing an unsuspecting archer off the roof into the crowded streets below, then watching as civilians crowd around his body is among the most satisfying things I've ever done in a game. enemies can be defeated almost effortlessly if you're any good...but they can kill you just as easily.
in case you were wondering I decided to get the 360 version simply because of the slightly more comfortable controller. :P
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