Considering that the last time I did this it resulted in my most commented-on blog post ever
and the fact that I have absolutely nothing else to post here, I thought I'd try it again
so, once again, the title is pretty self explanatory... :|
Considering that the last time I did this it resulted in my most commented-on blog post ever
and the fact that I have absolutely nothing else to post here, I thought I'd try it again
so, once again, the title is pretty self explanatory... :|
...only a few more days...
I wish I had more to blog about, but life's been pretty boring lately. :?
I guess I'll see you guys and gals later.
A new episode of Scrubs is coming on tonight! :D
...but I don't get to see it because my local NBC station is airing the Florida Republican convention instead. :evil: :cry:
...good :)
[spoiler] so is the new Pokemon game :lol: [/spoiler]
I had some computer problems over the past few days, so I wasn't here very often (I finally managed to get used to my PS3's browser though :) )
anyway, that's all sorted out now, so here's a blog post for you :D
A bit late to the party:
I finally bought a DS the other day, mostly because I found out there's a Fire Emblem game coming out for it. I usually don't like Japanese styIe games like that, but Fire Emblem has had me hooked ever since I played FE7 for the GBA.
the Mario game I ordered with the DS came today, but the system didn't, so now I have a brand new game that I can't fun. :|
The nightly news is back:
The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report came back on Monday. They may be writer-less, but at least I get my nightly news hour back :P
I'm funny?:
this is news to me :|
apparently one of the girls at the new years eve party I went to told my sister that I was really funny...I don't remember saying or doing anything particularly hilarious, but then again, I did have quite a bit of vodka :P
I'm a songwriter?:
this too is news to me. :P
all I'm saying right now is that I was inspired while staring at an empty pool at work the other day, and now I have a song in the works. It may or may not be posted here in the future...don't get your hopes up...I probably couldnt take the criticism. :lol:
Giant bonfire pit:
my friends and I completed work on our giant bonfire pit in my back yard today. pics will be posted soon. :)
OTcar nominations:
I didn't see that one coming :|
I got nominated for best avatar by aaaaarrrgggg, and for half of the categories by A3trix (I don't think those will be counted, but thanks anyway :P )
That's all I have for now. commence the commenting :lol:
fist of all, I'd like to wish you all a very happy new year, and I hope your new years eve was mine was. :lol:
now that that's out of the way, let's get to the point. things to hope for in 2008:
- that our little band gets something done: I'm not asking for much, I don't have any delusions of rock stardom, I just want to write some good music, play it with my friends, maybe record something....
- an end to the WGA strike: I never thought I'd miss new TV shows as much as I do...please put an end to this madness soon! :cry:
- that we don't get totally screwed by the presidential election: I don't think I need to elaborate on this one :|
- that certain bands with upcoming albums will return to their roots: I'm not naming any names...*COUGH*lessthanjakeandgoldfinger*COUGH*
I could probably think of more, but I'm just feeling kinda lazy at the moment. again, happy new year guys and gals. :wink:
Joe and I should show up at Bryce's new years eve party in suits and fedoras. :|
Good Stuff:
- Christmass gifts. My parents got me a new Fender practice amp for my bass, my rich uncle gave me a $100 gift card for the rich people mall on the rich people side of town. and the rest of the family gave me cash :)
- A college cheerleader convention is going on somewhere at Disney World, and they're all staying at the All Star...guarding those pools won't be so bad tonight 8)
- There's gonna be an awesome new years eve party at an old friend's house, and I don't have work that night :D
Bad Stuff:
- my car is terminally ill. apparently there's oil leaking into some important part, and the only way to fix it would be to get a whole new engine. looks like I'll have to save up for a new car. :(
That's right folks, after about a month of pointless randomness, I've finally amassed enough stuff to blog about, so buckle up kids, because it's gonna be an emotional rollercoaster of sexual tension and exploration...
What ska band?:
if you've been wondering where the blog posts about the ska band are, I have some news for you...there won't be any because I'm not in it anymore. you see, all of the other guys in the band are seasoned musicians, I was kinda the noob, since most of them will be going out of state for college in a matter of months, we decided that instead of waiting for me to get up to speed (most of the bass parts of their songs were written for their old bass player who's been playing for years..way over my head) they would just go ahead and play together until they leave for school. It's kind of a bummer, but there's good news too...
Good news:
(^ see, I told ya so) Joe, and Adrian are setting up a music studio of sorts in their garage, and not being content with just playing trombone in a ska band, Joe decided to start a bit of a side project with himself on lead guitar, and vocals, me on bass, Adrian on drums, and Matt on rhythm guitar. we're not gonna worry about labeling ourselves as far as genres go at the moment, but we mostly have ska, punk, jazz and classic rock influences, so I suppose you can expect us to end up sounding something like those. :P
The Daily Show and The Colbert Report are coming back!:
with the writer's strike in full swing everyone's favorite fake news shows are comming back in January. I couldn't be happier (well, I suppose if the strike ended I'd be happier, but I'm still pretty happy :P ) I suppose Stewart and Colbert arn't as happy: "We would like to return to work with our writers. If we cannot, we would like to express our ambivalence, but without our writers we are unable to express something as nuanced as ambivalence." :lol:
Warhawk expansion:
It's awesome. If you have Warhawk, get :|...I SAID NOW!!! :evil:
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