I'm keeping most of my faith in it getting AAA, though.
My sentiments exactly. Don't count on AAA for this game folks, and I'd suggest any current Xbox 360 owners to alter their decision to AA just to avoid a likely flop.
We haven't even seen Last Guardian footage, are you really going to predict them? I'd argue for God of War III among PS3 exclusives, Alan Wake for 360, and Crysis 2 for multiplat, PC, and overall best. One dark horse: Castlevania: Lord of Shadows, which looks pretty amazing in the trailer, which they claim is the actual game engine.masterpinky2000
Too bad there won't be any green (or any other colors that aren't brown, grey, or black) in Gears 3 unless they are completely ripping the story of Gears of War to shreds.
Lol at any of the people saying they'd go to the gun store for ammo or anywhere to stock up on food.You guys fail.You don't realize that everyone would be going there at the same time with the same thing in mind.I'm also pretty sure the gun store owners are going to have the hatches down in the case of a zombie invasion.As well, its gonna be hard getting out of town on the roads what with all the cars on the road with the same thing in mind.Sheep people are sheep.Start thinking outside the box for once you knumbskulls.
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