There's even less evidence towards the idea that homosexuality is inherited than there is for the idea that it's caused by hormonal imbalances during fetal development. "Less" being absolute zero. By that logic, every heterosexual child born of a parent who...arrived to the conclusion (i.e. decided) that he or she is gay is either fooling his or herself or just stuck in the closet--which is absolutely ridiculous. @PyscoJuggalo "So the argument against homosexuality is "I am religious and my reverend who I give money to told me it is wrong?"" Who here in this thread has said such a thing? I do believe you're the only one to have brought up religion in the past 5-10 pages. Congrats on the kneejerk.
@rat-fish You didn't mention hermaphrodites--nor did you try to use them as a frame of reference for comparison to homosexuals. What's more, you're unable to do so since hermaphroditism consists of physical traits and not behaviors. "I'm not saying homosexuals are much like hermaphrodites, but it does prove my point. People are not only born as either a man or a woman with no differences in sexual orientation." That didn't make any sense whatsoever. I'm not sure if your biggest problem is sentence structure or just forming a complete thought. But hermaphroditism has nothing to do with "orientation" as it is applied to your laundry list of [insert prefix here]-sexuals.
@rat-fish "There are people born as bisexuals, heterosexuals, homosexuals, transgendered, intersexuals and the list goes on." Yes, you constantly repeat this tune over and over again, but you can't really prove it. The only indicator you have to back up this hypothesis is behavior, which can't be empirically linked to birthed traits.
@Smokescreened "You still compared people like me to pedophila" No. I didn't. I pointed out that endorsing behavior through legislation using the "born that way" excuse sets precedent for pedophiles to make the same case to the state. That is comparison of behavior. It's an application of principle in both scenarios. "Emotions are nothing to be ashamed of, it is better to wear your heart on your sleeve than to lock it away." That is a matter of opinion. Emotionally charged arguments and reactionary posts do not assign validity to claims you happen to make. "There is no gene that governs if someone will be homosexual, bi-sexual and so on, there is only what the developing brain within the womb is exposed to during it's development and the impact that will have when that life becomes self aware in their early childhood and as they enter adulthood." I've still yet to see a real basis for this--or how it somehow bypasses the fact that the behavior that allegedly spawns from it is anatomically incorrect.
@Tyler_Lynn Only a few people have brought it up just at this very moment....Hyperbole much? Yet another reactionary outburst from the homosexual camp. Beautiful.
@Smokescreened "Are you oppressed for being different from birth? Do you get attacked for not being heterosexual? " There in lies the argument: whether or not homosexuals are really born "different" or simply behave differently in a manner that people disapprove of. You can make the claim that people discourage your behavior, but not that they're attacking you as an individual. That's a little too emotionally charged to. And, once again, I didn't make a comparison to pedophiles. I will quote myself: " I didn't compare them. I said that civil right legislation pushed on the grounds of being "born that way"--without actually having visual evidence--establishes precedent for other social groups like pedophiles to make the same argument. But I'm sure you'll continue saying "you compared them" as a means of glossing over my words."
I didn't compare them. I said that civil right legislation pushed on the grounds of being "born that way"--without actually having visual evidence--establishes precedent for other social groups like pedophiles to make the same argument. But I'm sure you'll continue saying "you compared them" as a means of glossing over my words.
@Sammoth "His views are idealistic and he/she feels it's his way or no way." You say that as if you're any different. @Ewan223 "Because you can't reproduce through it ect. But are the parts really not meant to go together? Lets bring a bit of religion into this. If god didn't want gay people to take part in anal then why would make it so pleasure can be received through penetration of the anus. God is all seeing and all knowing so why would he allow this to go amiss? " Let the record show that it was the homosexual camp and not I that has insinuated God and religion into the conversation. Also let the record show that one of your ilk actually made the incredibly ridiculous argument that a certain act can be interpreted as correct simply because it can be physically pleasurable. With logic like that, it's no wonder this mentality doesn't mean with world wide approval.
@Raphy The incompatibility derives from the inability to copulate. Not the inability to procreate--which by the way is hardly a trendsetting characteristic among heterosexuals as you tend to characterize. The inherent anatomical incorrectness of the nature of such relationships is the prime, unarguable indicator that the condition is a disorder. - - - And Hearsay is not reliable as empirical evidence. As Frost and SmokeScreened's outbursts have demonstrated, homosexuals have a vested emotional interest in assuring that other people agree with their own perception that they were "born that way;" an insecurity you might say that demands validation from others regardless of whether or not they might agree. Feelings are simply not credible as indicators of a birthed trait. @Demanufactur3 "First of i don't really like you comparing homosexuality to pedophilia," Keep in mind though that with legislation making exceptions for homosexuals based on a "born that way" status, a precedent has already been established for pedophiles to make the same argument. And with kids being exposed to sexual content at younger and younger ages, it's inevitable that we'll see arguments made in the favor of such a practice. After all, it wasn't until a short while ago that the age of consent in Japan was 12. You think that couldn't happen in Western culture? Greece disagrees.
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