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P0WER T0 T3H 4$I4N$(not to be racist..) aka Happy Chinese New Year!

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!!!!! i got lucky money but i only got a grand total of 32 bucks...my friends cousin got like 900 or higher once and some people even get 400 or more...i only got 32...all my relatives said they would actually all give me 50 bucks each but they still think im too young to handle all that money...I CAN HANDLE ALL OF IT CANT I!??!?! well at least i got some...anyways HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! for some reason we have a chinese new year party but only after one week chinese new year is over...yeah i know its weird...well have a good one anyways..if you got lucky money TELL ME HOW MUCH YOU GOT!!! and also all of us have a day ahead of us since we got presidents day tommorow so this is gonna be a smooth weekend...Later!!

and the fillers are over!!!

YES FINALLY!!!!! everyone,you can now be relieved from the filler because they are over!!!! naruto is grown up,everyone's ninja rank skyrockets,and everyone is cooler then ever!!! this also means that the 3rd movie will be released soon enough...EVERYONE...ENJOY NARUTO SHIPPUUDEN!!!(Hurricane Chronicles) because you may now enjoy the story!!

Rate your game system! Valentines Day,and im really sick...

Yep its true! im sick...really sick...if you all remember that blog post when i told you guys i was ill....this is the same one...the same pains...the same..well you get the point...Yes yes...Valantines Day...Great day for a date..Great day to confess..(if you know what i mean) Great Opprotunity to confess..Great time to make Valantine Cards...Great Chocolates! yum! The thing is though..i dont have any courage at all to confess...ah well...and if Lester(bloodnecron) is reading this...if you post anything that i dont like Lester..once i come back to school...i will deal with you...with the harshest response....ever!...you too ken!(KingKen1221) Ok game systems..Rate your game systems!! every single one you have played!!! rate them!! here are mine:

PS2:5 out of 5...This game system is truly a masterpiece...Its uhh...how old? 10 years?(dont remember) and it still survives..today! excellent games...plenty of fun..and for a few games pretty good multiplayer! the controller is easy to master too! most of the time Triangle is go back and X is confirm...and other stuff...it can also play DVDs!!! my older sister uses my PS2 occasionally just to watch a few of her DVDs...now for my conclusion...The Good:the PS2 is almost perfect with every genre!The bad:Analog...SEROIUSLY!!! although gaming is perfect,analog sometimes gets annoying..even the gamecube controller is more superior to this...

GameCube:4 out of 5:First console i ever got,and boy was it fun...im not sure what kind of genre the gamecube is superior with...but some games still rock on the gamecube! a 4...out of 5! The Good:Everything is average...The Bad:not much games that are good for the gamecube...you guys should remember all those blog posts i posted about me dying to get a PS2 while i was stuck with the gamecube...

Xbox:4.4 out of 5,the Xbox is basically the master of multiplayer and First Person shooters...and shooters..i dont know why but several games on the Xbox that wasnt a first person shooter was either average..or just plain stupid...I dont actually own this system but i played with the Xbox several times...Halo 2 Rocks!!! The Good:Awesome FPS action!!! The bad:.....other games...(not all) suck... im too lazy to rate other game systems so all of you people have a nice day!

i got F.E.A.R!(3 days ago! :P) and F.E.A.R review!

Hey everyone! read my review of F.E.A.R!!! although i think i did a mess this time when making the review...i want to see what all of you think!! if you think its well done,recommend it! if you dont think its well done,dont recommend it!Anyways,now for the game...its creepy...its hard(Even on easiest difficulty its hard) its fun,and its amusing!!! why is it amusing? i like shooting people's legs off! thats why! :P Like my review says,it excels in every category and for 2005 graphics(its sorta like 2006 graphics since it was made in 2005 but during october and at that time it was close to the end of the year so its like 2006),They're really really good! Sometimes,companies make a random game outta nowhere..for example,Gun...it was made outta nowhere!!! and usually those kind of "Made all of a sudden and released" games suck...F.E.A.R is one of those random games!! except its good!!! anyone played it before? if not and you like FPS then get it!! (even though its fairly old) I recommend you do not get the expansion pack...Heard it had a long campaign but after beating the campaign,your done! no multiplayer!well thats all for now!! Later...P.S:The Supreme Commander demo came out!!! im downloading it right now!! i hope its good...

what happened to TrueTripleOG?

he has been banned for a few weeks...i had a blog post about this earlier but no one commented cuz i made another blog post too soon...anyone know what happened to him? Normally,TrueTripleOG dosent cause trouble cuz if hes banned then he should have done something bad...but once again he dosent cause trouble(nor does he want to even if its necessary!) last time i heard from him was when he killed a bat that was in his house...and someone reported him...but thats not harsh..and yet hes banned....or maybe im having Glitchspot..but i havent heard from him in awhile...anyone know more details about TrueTripleOG? im a bit worried about the guy...

You think Hollow ichigo could have beaten Aizen?

i just thought of that...ichigo using bankai just tried to slash aizen and aizen just....just...stopped the sword with just one finger!!! and just touching the middle of the blade sliced ichigo in half...if ichigo was injured even more...he could have turned hollow...you think hollow ichigo could have beaten Aizen?

I must make a conclusion! il need the help of:DBZ fans,naruto fans,and bleach!

Yesterday,i made a conclusion with a few of my friends...Bleach is part,dbz,naruto,and in a show itself...How is it DBZ? well...Overpowered people who can cut just a city in half...and overpowered energy attacks...and sometimes big explosions..How is it naruto? use of several weapons,like the Zanpakutou! also,in bleach they charge up energy(reatsu sorry i forgot how to spell it) sometimes in order to use several attacks..Also sometimes in bleach they can try to find their allies by sensing their "Reiatsu"..same as DBZ sensing Power Levels..and naruto they use speed like it were nothing...Like bleach!! what do you guys think?!?


what the heck!?!?!?!? i just went to true triple's profile and it said that he is banned!!! what the heck happened??yesterday it was just fine now he is banned??!?!?!? anyone know what happened? cuz truetriple aint the type of guy who would cause trouble...Normally,he just speaks from his mind or just informs us of whats goin on at his place...Then he is banned...anyone know!?!?! or maybe im experiencing glitchspot and he is not actually banned...


WHO HERE HAS A WINDOWS VISTA?!?!?!?!? Lets see...baka hiyono has one....but who else?!!?!?! I WANT ONE BADLY!!!!! im just considering...once its time to get one...should i just upgrade my current pc to it? or should i just rather buy a new pc with it...i heard if you upgrade your current PC...you can keep all the stuff still installed in it...i just had my comp reformatted!! i had a previous blog post about my comp being reformatted...and if i get a new pc...i will get a new,refreshed,cool and powerful pc...but i will have to regain my losses..and my losses took weeks to regain and i still am recovering a few things right now!!!! so you guys should help me decide...im not getting one soon...in the future...maybe a few months..my mom,older sister,and me are gonna see if we can combine our cash to get one...the main reason i want vista is:

1-I heard the Halo 2 for the PC will be much better then the one for XBOX

2-Its more powerful(for example,new graphics card,new sound thingy,and much more!)

3-I JUST WANT IT!!!!!!

now your turn!!!!!!

Whatcha all playin right now???

Just a Random blog post since im bored as usual..so...what you guys playin right now? this is about a renewal of a similar blog post that i wrote in the past...
PS2:Would be playing Tales of the Abyss but let friend borrow it for awhile

PC: Dawn of War Dark Crusade,Call of Duty+United Offensive

Gamecube: Don't play the cube much anymore but if i did:Tales of Symphonia.

GBA:Fire emblem(friend gave it back and said game froze and all data was gone so i was regaining the losses i got) otherwise Advance Wars 2

now for YOURS!