S0mEGuY12 / Member

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S0mEGuY12 Blog

Where are YOU in Pokemon:Diamond or Pokemon Pearl?

Tell me! sorry for bein a poke nerd...its just been awhile since ive had the burning feeling of addiction to pokemon...the game just brings back memories back all the way to my favorite version...Crystal...This is where im at,i beat the Pokemon League roughly with pokemon below level 60,just got my egg hatched and got a baby version of Lucario(In order to get the egg,you must beat the Eltie Four and the Champion,then afterwards go to Canalave City,and take a boat to Iron Island,if you never been there and you beat the Elite Four,the trainers there will be a piece of cake,then you escort this guy around the cave of Iron Island,and when you beat two Team Galactic members,you will get an egg,and it will have the baby version of Lucario...and this is the first time i have seen a level 1 pokemon!! this baby lucario is level 1...(i forgot its name)and has 3 pretty good attacks...im gonna try to evolve it without leveling it up! i heard that its stats will be way higher if you evolve it at level 1,just give it a soothe bell,give it lots of Vitamins like zinc and calcium,battle a lot with other pokemon while its in your party,then it will evolve! im lucky,i got a Lonely nature..This way,i get high attack power,but low defense...but when it evolves,it will be Steel! so it dont matter!Otherwise i got a level58 Palkia,Level 59 Infernape,Level 54 Staraptor,Level 55 Luxray,(i only use HM Slave if needed otherwise)Level 50 Mesprit,and last but not least,a level18 Gible! A Gible is the Equalvent of Trapinch..except its evolved forms are tougher looking! Flygon was one of the most powerful pokemon because its only major weakness was Ice and Dragon itself! everything else either did squat or Reguarly Effective damage! Unlike Trapinch,Gible is difficult to locate,even if you check your Pokedex cuz even if you go inside the cave under the Cycling Road,its highly unlikely you will find it!Here is a Clue....Under....Cycling...thats all im gonna say! Find the rest on your own! Thats all for now! Cya! PS:Im really happy with my computer now! it runs really fast,i can finally play a lot of my games,and some games i can put the graphics on maximum without much performance penalties like on Dawn of War:Dark Crusade and Warcraft III!!! for games like F.E.A.R and SupCom i can only put on like Average...but F.E.A.R is a little above average and still has pretty decent performance! Now here is your Pic!!!...man 3 blog posts in a day...

Which Wallpaper..?

i got two awesome looking wallpapers but i cant decide between the two of them..thats why im asking you guys!



in the bleach anime.org link,add hitsugaya001.jpg at the end of the URL in the navigation bar cuz i couldnt put the whole link,and i dont know how to make links clickable.. 

sooo...which one?

Name every pokemon game you ever obtained in your life...

Here is my list:

1.Pokemon Red

2.Pokemon Blue

3.Pokemon Yellow

4.Pokemon Silver

5.Pokemon Gold

6.Pokemon Crystal

7.Pokemon Trading Card Game

8.Pokemon Ruby

9.Pokemon Sapphire

10.Pokemon Emerald

11.Pokemon Colosseum

12.Pokemon Channel

13.Pokemon Pearl

14.Soon going to buy Pokemon Fire Red from my friend Lester(bloodnecron)

EDIT:15.Pokemon Pinball

16.Pokemon Pinball Ruby and Sapphire

and here is your pic..

PS:Here is my Party:level 57 Infernape,Level 52 Palkia,Level 51 Staraptor,Level 52 Luxray,Level 40 and going Gyarados(....too hard to train..i plan to train it later...low..special attk..bleh..and i gave it exp share..)and last but not least level 26 Bibarel as my HM slave.....cuz it can learn every freakin HM except Fly, and Defog!I also got all of the 3 Legendaries..the most trickiest one was Mesprit cuz it kept runnin...but i caught a golbat in victory road,mean looked it(and it killed my golbat several times therefore abolishing the effects of Mean Look)and caught it...well my friend did cuz i went to his house today,traded several pokemon that we didnt have,and traded pokemon that only evolved from trading...Well thats all for today! Cya!

O............M..............F...............G(yet again..)

The day after my comp was fixed,it went stupid(my older sis tried using it and it went stupid again)YET AGAIN!!!!this time,the guy who fixed it(its some other guy..)deleted EVERYTHING!!! EVERYTHING!!!!once again EVERYTHING!!!!!!!! every program everything in this comp and reinstalled it....i can finally play my pc games!!:)(YES!!!!) and i think it wont go stupid in quite awhile.....everything is ok now!!! and just to let you know,i caught Palkia(forgot name) the legendary of pearl!!! hes pretty cool,and a lot of my pokemon are stronger now!!!heres an anime pic just for you...


Which actually means Oh my Fracken God! cuz my comp went stupid again,and an ACTUAL pro fixed it this time...but i cant play games still...but my mom says we are using two things right now so we can switch to my comp...er my product key..but i dont need it now...cuz last sunday,i picked up pokemon diamond...and oh is it FUN!!! first advance wars...then pokemon!! the game is SOOO Fun!!!!...the guy looks....ugly...so i chose the girl instead...as did a lot of my other friends...well thats about it! thats why i lost about 8% worth of exp on metal slime...in being rescue ranger....well it was worth it...I will have a review  up for pokemon diamond soon...and it does live up to its predecessors..


which means "Oh man finally,Gears of War! :P wow thats my first most pointless title i ever made! i think im under the influence of Tina,and Hiyono...:| NOOOOOOOOOOOO not hiyono!!!!...............no.......please no..........NOT TINA!!!!!! ok i made this blog cuz im bored k? so...............what games have you people been playin lately...?

Advance Wars:Dual Strike and other news...

I GOT DUAL STRIKE!!! WOO HOO!!!! THANKS A BUNCH LESTER!!!(bloodnecron)now i can play it!! anytime i want!!!....in two weeks..-.-....i can only play from time to time when wanting to play dual strike because my older sister is going to buy me a DS...in two weeks..and she said i can use her DS as long as i ask,and as long as shes not playing it..or if she feels like letting me use it...-.-...Its been boring around here lately...my computer is still messed up,therefore it cannot play any game BUT starcraft...Warcraft 3 does not work,F.E.A.R,if Warcraft 3 don't work,what makes me think Dawn of War:Dark Crusade would work?!?!!? and it took me forever to get all that stuff on campaign mode..so im too lazy to get it...SupCom dont work...A LOT OF THINGS DONT WORK DAMMIT!!!!nothin to do on PS2....too lazy to finish my campaign(again) on metroid prime....and i beat...golden sun:TLA a lot of times..i did a lot of extras too! and i basically got almost every best weapon and armor i could get my hands on for every character!! and im too lazy to level them up to level 99....Devil May Cry 3 aint fun anymore...and thats basically it.....now for a pic!!!!


this sucks!!!! easter marks the end of spring break!! that means..S-C-H-O-O-L IS TOMMOROW!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this spring break ended faster then last year!!!!and most of you guys spring breaks are either shorter then a 7 day week or longer!! if its longer,lucky!!! ...oh yeah i got a new avatar! like it? and...oh yeah...SKOOL!!!! bleh.......bleh bleh bleh...im getting a DS in two weeks and im going to ATTEMPT to find an Advance Wars: Dual Strike somewhere...my older sister bought herself a black ds lite but she said in two weeks when she gets paid she says she will buy another white DS and give the black one to me!!! today i tried buying advance wars:dual strike so i could play it on my older sis's DS but they said the last used one was sold just a few days ago..(dammit!)but il find one!! il try every eb games and gamestop or target i know of!!!! hahaahhaahaahah!!!!!!.....thats all for now...peace..and please! enjoy this random image!