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S0mEGuY12 Blog

My Grades in 8th grade...(inspired by NarutoLuffy to write something like this)

1st Period P.E:A+ i did pretty well in P.E!! i dressed in uniform,and its fun!! it has nothing to do with pencils and paper! :P

2nd Period Sewing:A- i would have a few problems with my sewing teacher but i did pretty well...

3rd Period Language Arts:C- im really good at language arts! i just choose not to do much of the work!!:P

4th Period Math:F Yeah i suck at math!! i chose not to learn in his class and didnt get much work done....

6th Period Science:F I think im good at science! I just chose not to do any work at all!

7th Period Social Studies:Final D- Im actually ok with social studies! My teacher said in my test scores(Tests are forced so i have to do it even if i choose not to)are really good! i just dont do the work!! i had plenty of Fs and Ds in this class and had a Final D- but since i had more Fs than Ds it basically counts as an F....

So i have to go to summer school for that....Heh....i became lazy overtime in middle school...and how do you like my new avatar? i love it and the bandwidth will never run out! Heres your pic

Father's Day

Yeah its daddy day! But my daddy is being selfish! my older sister got him a card,i got him one too,and my Mom asked him did you get their cards and he didnt say anything! My father was in a bad mood almost all day and i dont like that! i just wish someday i can knock some sense into him! He is a complete A Hole sometimes! All day he has been only nodding! he didnt say a thing! the only thing he did today is smoke,and wash his car! I dont see anything good in my dad! Sure,sometimes hes in a good mood and he talks,but today was horrible! Absolute Trash! on mother's day my dad never does anything good for my mom and my mom always gets a card for him! Anyways,how was your father's day everyone?Speaking of fathers,i want to be a father someday...and i bet all of you "Guys"out there want to be one someday too!

Getting tired of Photobucket bandwidth exceeding...

Ive made 3 freaking accounts!!!! and all 3 of their bandwidth has exceeded!!! WTF?!?!!?i dont really understand....How does bandwidth increase? my Album is private,no one else uses it,just a few days ago i checked bandwidth and it wasnt even at 1% plus i dont upload much images so wtf?????i check now and its 100% again!!! im like.....WTF????? So tell me,how the heck does bandwidth increase if im prolly the only one that uses it?!??!!? its pissing me off......im getting tired of creating more accounts....Speakin of images,im not putting an anime pic up!! Im too lazy,and thinking about images makes me mad!!! So is it the longer i use these images or the more people use it? cuz my album is private...

Level 22!!!

Cool im level 22 now!! someone told me level 20 is long,but the rest can be a piece of cake...level 21 was a bit fast.....but then when you get somewhere between leevel 24-28 i heard it was slow....Regardless,il be around lvl 30 in no time...i heard you get a little more exp if you make more reviews,and if you make more blog posts...but its just a rumor...i believe the review part though...Speaking of reviews,check out my Naruto:CoN2! The game is alright,but i want a feature that enables you to change the voices to japanese!!Theres a cheap combo i constantly use when im losing with Sasuke! Keep using Katon,Goukyuu no jutsu without holding the a button! he will blow out fire for like 2-4 seconds but it wont waste Chakra!! and it does a fair amount of damage! :P

I seriously need a next-gen system...

SERIOUSLY!!!!! SOME OF MY FRIENDS HAVE A NEXT-GEN SYSTEM!!! My friend Alex has a PS3 and my friend Terry has a Wii!!! ALL MY GS friends have a next-gen system! Look at TailsPrower69!! She practically has every next-gen system! I NEED ONE!!!! I mostly want an Xbox 360.....So i could get the really good games out there like Gears of War,and Halo 3....Or games like Crackdown....and rainbow six!! my gaming blood is currently focused on RPGS....Been awhile since my FPS or just Shooter blood started boiling...Been awhile since ive played a really good shooter!! Last shooter ever played:Halo for PC....If i get an Xbox360 il get Gears of War or Halo 3(Possibly if i get one near the release date or way past...)Any of you people have only last-gen systems and wants a next-gen system? if so name it!! Oh and here is an anime pic...Its that Haruhi dance!!! Tina's video made me suddenly start watching it again....for some reason...last time i watched it was like what....months ago?I was bored....anyway here it is...its not really the whole dance...

now what?

Ok i have abosolutely nothing to do now! i gave back my friend his action replay at the cost of 5 bucks,i no longer have anything else to do in pokemon pearl now but catch catch catch! im sure i would have a lot more to do if i had Wi-Fi!!! My supply of legendary pokemon is running a bit low,i got nothing to do on my PS2 Whatsoever!!! (let friend borrow Tales of the Abyss,Friend's cousin has DMC3 which i got bored of after awhile anyway)Gamecube....BLECH!!!!! nothin to do but clash of ninja 2 and Metroid Prime! Comp? well games i have were GREAT but since its been awhile...the fun is only decent now..i keep losing online in Warcraft III,Dawn of War: Dark Crusade is REALLY LAGGY ONLINE even if your not even the one lagging...especially when your playing with more than 4 people!the only smooth gaming expierence is when i play with my friend,Lester(Bloodnecron)!and he doesent feel like playing DC anymore!and Starcraft.....well i win and lose now and then but its an old game so i get bored after a little while...now what? Nothing new that i want is coming out...(well,nothing new is coming out SOON!! starcraft II wont be released in quite awhile..)so whats next?i got like 40 dollars right now....what should i do now? Gameboy Advance games are also boring currently...I basically beat Megaman Battle Network 6 Cybeast Gregar except the fact i dont have all Megachips! i have all Gigachips and Normal Chips,but not MegaChips!Someone,RECOMMEND SOMETHING!!!!(although im saving my money..)MY game systems are PS2,Nitendo DS,Gameboy Advance SP,Gamecube,and PC.......man i wish i had a 360...and im so bored that i feel like blasting something to smitherens!!!(as shown >)BLAST...YOU...TO...SMITHERENS!!!!(i especially want to blast Tina to Smitherens!)I...AM..not....HAPPY!!!!


Action Replay

This device is by far,one of the most impressive systems i have ever used! i couldnt buy one...but i borrowed one for a few days and boy is it great! especially in pokemon pearl! it can get you the items that get you to pokemon like Shaymin,and Arceus! I mean,who would waste money for a plane ticket to a city where the event is taking place? It takes place mostly in new york but i would rather cheat my way through then go there! you can even teach your pokemon moves that it cant normally learn! and it also comes with codes for almost every DS game!AR Codes that impressed me the most:Wild Pokemon Modifier,Shiny Pokemon appearnces,and the Move Modifier....it is really an impressive system....Thats all i got to say! cya!PS:I taught my Palkia Recover,and Judgement!^^

Description of My Family.

Here is a random descritpion(i was bored)of my family,i will also put photos of them....if i can find any on this computer..

First off,Mom:Shes really nice,but is a very loud person.Whenever i ask her something one time,she yells.....I asked her to buy me a subway sandwich since there is a subway right next to where she works..(she works in UCSF)and she yelled at me.....Im like JEEZ OK I JUST ASKED!!!!! She bought a lot of games for me,and most of the time,she dosent buy games reflecting on my grades most of the time(Well kind of...depending on my grades),but based on my Behavior,and she says i have been bad lately so no new games for awhile...Overall:The Nice,and Loud person(especially when she is talking on the phone!)She also is a pro at english,but uses it incorrectly a lot....Also Somewhat annoying..

Dad:Really Really quiet guy.My Dad spoils my little sister a lot by buying whatever she wants.....He normally does not really talk,unless you talk to him..He is kinda like my mom,he gets angry easily....and most of the time when he talks to me,this is what he says:Don't play that much games(in chinese).Im like ok.....and he just walks away.He also comes in my room a lot,and checks my cup,and says:Quit playing so much games and take a break by getting a drink...im like Ok....and yeah...Most of the time this is what he does:Works 6 days a week(most of the time...every sunday morning he brings us to a chinese resturaunt for Brunch but if he does not feel up to it he goes to work..)Comes home,i say Hi dad,he says Hello,goes to the bathroom,smokes for a good 15 minutes(wow)takes a shower,goes to dinner,watches TV for like 3-5 hours straight,and then goes to sleep...and then does this all over again the next day!Weird really....Overall:Angry,Quiet,and Really really Weird....i fight with him once in awhile,but thats about it..

Grandma:She is basically the Cook of my house....She is my Dad's Mom....Whenever i come home from school,she asks me in chinese:Are you hungry? and im like Either No,or Yeah....and when i ask her what to cook for me she cooks it....Her cooking is really really good...She talks a lot,and is sometimes annoying..Not much i can talk about her...


Older Sister(Ada):I sometimes like her,i sometimes hate her.I share my room with her.....unfortunately..Her job is working al Wallgreens,I hate it when shes in a bad mood....she has like 5 freaking Tatoos,and shes some of the time annoying....She is very strict,and acts like my mother when my mom and dad isnt home...GET OFF THE COMPUTER!!! STOP PLAYING GAMEBOY!!! MAKE THE VOLUME LOWER!!!!! and im like SIMMER DOWN!!!!! and Yeah.....she mood swings a lot....Angry,Happy,Normal....Mostly either Angry,or Happy...This is a pic i managed to find of her..

Little Sister:OOOOOGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! ANNOYING,SPOILED,STUPID,AND A SORE LOSER!!!!!!! She talks too much,she says she has a lot of friends when i can count them in less then 2 seconds..ok lets see..DONE!!!! 1!!!! oh wait she told me she dosent like her anymore,her best friend(only friend)that came to my house countless times! now she has 0!!! she plays with a 4 year old nextdoor!!! our neighbors son!!! she is constantly made fun of,shes ugly,i hate her,everytime she screams she always gets either my older sister in trouble or me!!! and usually my father gets mad at us!! an example of her stupidity:In her homework,there is a map,and there is one question that says:Which well-known,very popular volcano is on the continent between Mexico,and Canada,and is on the North Eastern side of the map!!! SHE WROTE EAST!!!! EAST!!! is east a volcano? ITS MT.SAINT HELENS FOR CHRIST SAKE!!!!!! What kind of answer is East!?!!?!??!??!?! the only good point of my little sister,is that she is somewhat helpful.She thinks i love her(i love her as a sister but not emotionally)which i do not! and she is very annoying!!!! On her test there is a question:What is 2X3??????!?!?!? she wrote 4!!! im like...OMG!!!! stupid!!!!....Overall:Stupid,Annoying,Troublemaker,but somewhat helpful.

Thats all!! here is your anime pic!! MADE BY CHAOSKNIGHT69!!!! Sorry CK!!! your avatar looks really cool!PS:i will delete this Blog post within 4 days.....If my older sister sees me browsing through my blog and saees a pic of herself she will kill me!

Attention all pokemon Diamond,and Pearl players who migrate pokemon!!

I have a very good glitch for you! Too sick and tired of waiting a day to migrate pokemon? well i got just the solution to you! all you need is two Pokemon games(example:Pokemon Emerald,and Pokemon LeafGreen) First,migrate the pokemon you want to migrate with all your pokemon games.Then change DS time one day ahead.Migrate with your 2nd pokemon game that you did not migrate with(example:You migrated 6 pokemon from emerald and you want to do it again so use your LeafGreen,or you can migrate from that game too).Your LeafGreen will say that your using a different DS or the clock has been altered.Press Yes to match the DS settings you set it on.Then,slap back your emerald back in the DS,ready the pokemon you want to migrate(i give my pokemon im migrating items to use in Pearl).Press migrate and it will say what it usually says:Please choose the 6 pokemon you want to migrate.You can do this many times per day.Hope you find this informatiom useful,if you dont,please enjoy this pic instead..PS:Starcraft II Info:Blizzard put up the Starcraft2 site,its still being constructed but you can still view it.Check it out,its pretty good.Pokemon Info:If your breeding pokemon have 5 eggs in your party with either Magma Armor,or Flame Body.This Halves the time that it takes to hatch an egg by i think a Third.

Went to my friend's house yesterday,slept over....and tried 3 stores......

on saturday i went to my friend's house...his name is Lester,and his GS username is Bloodnecron.it was fun,but the only drawback is that he had no cable on his TV,we spent most of saturday desperately attempting to purchase an Action Replay....and since we came back to his house at like 6:30 we wasted a whole lot of time,and i had to go home early the next day which is today.....around 11:30 AM...we went to subway and the food was good at least.....Best buy sold out....(my older sister says most of the time the staff is just too lazy to check their stock,one time my older sister was working at her workplace Wallgreens,and someone asked her Co-Worker where is the bla bla bla....and he was like Oh sorry we dont have anymore..and my older sister hit him in the head and he said OW what was that for? and she said LIAR! we have them in stock! why can you just go to the second floor and go get it! and he says im too lazy....i think i just expereinced this...)Gamestop sold out....and EB games SOLD OUT!!!!! Action replay was a bestseller right after Pokemon D/P came out! so we got to his house....tired...and empty handed.....we literally walked more then like 3-5 miles!!!the only thing we accomplished was getting lunch!! Anyways,a good friend of mine from school named Justin gave me his sapphire....although most of his good stuff like legendaries,starter,and other things were gone....he said i could have his Sapphire and take anything thats in there or start a new game and w/e....He isnt a cheater...so his money was like 9999999 and he prolly played a lot and maxed out his money...He still did have a few good pokemon and some pokemon that are unobtainable in D/P..one of the good pokemon was a level 70 Metagross...he had a level 99 Wailord too! i migrated a lot of his pokemon already,and there are some very good TMs in D/P that are hard to obtain....like Thunderbolt..so i gave the pokemon i was migrating some TMs so it would be easier....Lester(Bloodnecron) Also found his FireRed when i came to his house and he offered to give it to me to pay me back for giving him a Metroid Prime 2:Echoes strategy guide and cuz he lost my Golden Sun for the GBA...Thus,this is the only bright side......FireRed is very fast paced in battle,and both the Guy and the Girl in FireRed look impressive...by that they dont look wimpy like the boy from D/P!i wont do a new game on my sapphire just yet...i have a lot of migrating to do and i have a lot of items to give to the migrated pokemon too.This may take at least 1-3 weeks...


Also 2 days ago on friday,this 6th grade boy i usually talk to on the bus on my way home since he played Diamond,offered me a Lugia,Ho-oh,Mew,Mewtwo,Jirachi,and Deoxys for giving him useful advice in training his pokemon,and Gym Leaders.He was very thankful and i obtained a level 40 Lugia,level 40 Ho-oh,level 7 Jirachi,level 5 Mewtwo,level 19 Mew,and a level 6 Deoxys!I thanked him for such a bundle of rare pokemon,and now my boxes are full of pretty rare pokemon.....Wow this is a long blog,been awhile since i typed this much! a lot of stuff happened this week so i got a lot to talk about...I STILL CANNOT WAIT FOR STARCRAFT 2!!!!! I JUST READ IT SUPPORTS PIXEL SHADERS 2.0!!! REALLY ADVANCED PC GAMES ONLY SUPPORT 3.0!! SO IM LUCKY!!!My computer can run Supreme Commander with slightly below basic graphics,and still have pretty good performance with a Radeon X300,so if my comp can run SupCom with those settings,its sure to be able to run Starcraft 2!!!I can also run Dawn of War: Dark Crusade with High Unit Detail,Terrian,basically High everything and it still has excellent performance and it almost does not lag at all! Well around my base it is,but when im commanding my squads to attack....No not really.If Starcraft 2 does not work,or if it happens to be a fraud like Starcraft:Ghost,il be.....angry....Okay im hungry now so enjoy this pic!PS:Tina,Hiyono,and other people like them,Can you post a little ON TOPIC!!!! you two should be more like Nicole(Tails_Prower7)!Also Thanks for the avatar help ChaosKnight69.