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Al-Qaida Preparing to Attack the U.S.

I just read a report on yahoo when signing into Yahoo Messenger,that Al-Qaida is preparing and mounting his troops to attack U.S Soil...Intellegence says that "Al-Qaida is likely to continue to focus on high-profile political,economic and infrastructure targets to cause mass casualties,visually dramatic destruction,economic aftershocks,and fear....Like.....Sep 11th......the infrastructure of the Twin Towers was pretty big,and since it was a trade center it caused economic problems,it had a high profile,and it caused mass casualties...the destruction was "visually dramatic" and it caused fear due to it falling to pieces and killing lots of people in the process...Plus it will be very hard for Al-Qaida to pierce through borders and attack several places...they have to attack The Coast....like New York,considering it was right next to the ocean,and its on the coast....Oh god.....That means.....Well San Francisco has The Golden Gate Bridge...and San Francisco is right off the coast..next to the ocean....except that they have to fly all the way around...but still...they may attack here....Bush has ordered more anti-terrorism troops to be on alert...but i still feel unsafe..destroying The Golden Gate bridge may kill more people then it did in the Twin Towers.....it will cause problems due to unability to cross the ocean to the other side....Supplies from SF,to other places across from the Golden Gate Bridge will be cut...The Golden Gate Bridge has a high profile,since its one of those Ten Wonders of America or something..The Destruction may be large so it will be "Visually Dramatic" and it will cause fear due to so many people dying and the whole place being blasted into simtherens....i remember i watched a video on how they built it...they worked so hard....Hopefully they wont do it here.....Heres the Article


Yet another TOS Violation

Wth man....it says i got moderated for "Copyrighted Material" Whats with that? it was just a review of Cooking mama i wanted to share with everyone.Why does everyone want to squeal? its called Gamespot for a reason and i just wanted to share a review from X-Play! Jeez! Its a game review ENJOY IT AND LEAVE!!!! Dont watch it and...Oh look this guy got it from G4 and i think im going to make his life worse and try report him...if a moderator himself did this...Its cool....my bad...but if just a simple use did this Jeez once again enjoy the video and leave...I didnt lose any points but this is the type of stuff that ticks me off...oh and i suppose my RPG Radiculapothy video is gonna be removed? Doubt it,i got it from youtube and the youtube guy from the site got that one so thats no skin off my bones! I dont know why people do this...once again.."GAMESPOT" *sigh*....OH and once again if you have a gaia and your active add me.....here is yo pic! im also playing KH 2....i borrowed it from my friend...and Final Fantasy X-2 also...MAN THAT GAME IS HARD!!! when i looked at the back i thought it was another turned-based RPG(Turn based is a type of RPG that is one of my favorites) but when i played it...i couldnt tell...its a Real Time Turn Based RPG....if that even makes sense....i dont have time to look at my commands and when i dont do anything the enemies continue attacking! and im like WTH? well heres your pic...Peace


FIRST I MISS OUT ON THE TWO WII,and PS3 EMBLEMS AND I WATCHED THE LAUNCH ON TV....THEN,I MISS OUT ON 3 EMBLEMS FOR THE PRESS CONFERENCES!! I saw microsoft on TV,but if i knew they were giving out emblems,i would watch it on teh comp! and i missed out on nintendo and sony becuz i was at summer school....If i dont have these emblems,people will think i dont watch this stuff....Man...this sucks...although most of you would say They're just emblems...they are rare and they are beyond my reach now..*sigh* and i only got to see the last part of the sony conference...heres your pic...oops its not there...because i dont feel like puttin them up!

The E3 Preview/Microsoft Press Conference was a BLAST!

(TOOK ME FOREVER TO GET HERE SINCE GS WAS SO LAGGY FOR SOME REASON)Wow!!! It was awesome!!! I watched 100% of both!! the E3 Preview,and the Press Conference! Resident Evil 5 is comin out,Assasain's Creed was pretty cool,the preview of the Gears of War PC Version was awesome and so was the rest....what impressed me the most...though...was...HALO 3!!!! REAL GAMEPLAY GRAPHICS!!! THAT TRAILER HAD GAMEPLAY IN IT,AND THE GAMEPLAY HAS THE SAME GRAPHICS AS THE CINEMA!!!!! WHOA!!! SINGLE PLAY DOES HAVE BETTER GRAPHICS THAN THE MULTIPLAYER(The Multiplayer was just a beta so maybe its like that...) So i was impressed...Call of Duty 4 still looks like its killing Germans since i heard the german language,but its still cool...MAN that was awesome...Well im just on the computer now...bored...and ugh...i feel like ripping my tongue out...on the right of my tongue i got sores all over the side...Not on the tongue(some on the tongue) directly but on the side.....they hurt...for some reason they force me to get the urge to bite my tongue...and when i do IT HURTSSS!!! EVEN THOUGH IT HURTS I KEEP GETTING URGES TO BITE MORE!!! THE LEFT OF MY TONGUE IS JUST FINE,WHEN THE RIGHT HALF IS ALL DRY,AND SALIVA(i know you dont want to know) KEEPS GATHERING ON THE EDGE OF MY TONGUE MAKING ME SPIT IN THE GARBAGE CAN MORE TIMES THAN YOU CAN COUNT!!! I HAD THE SAME PROBLEM A FEW WEEKS AGO,AND THEN IT REAPPEARED!! STUPID SORES!!! AHH THEY HURT!! GO AWAY!!!...Im sorry about that,anyways E3 was awesome! Heres an anime pic:

I have Decided....:(

TO LEAVE!!!!!! IM NOT COMING BACK!!! GAMESPOT IS KINDA OF A DRAG NOW.....Nah id never leave all of you..I have Decided....on buying company of heroes!!! :D Looks like il have to play the game with the graphics a bit low...Ah well the game is fun.....Although im still having doubts....What if its not as engaging as Dawn of War:Dark Crusade....Dawn of War:Dark Crusade inspires me to play more so i can get my commander stronger by getting more wargear,and getting more honor guard...You think Company of Heroes will be the same? Not sure...but il get it....Since the Demo worked on my computer,im gonna think the whole game will work....Well i think i should delete the demo now.....Make room for more MB....Heres your pic and GOODBYE!!!for today..PS:Ugh.....SUMMER SCHOOL IS ABOUT HALF DONE....:|

Happy 4th of July!!!

HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY EVERYONE!!!! WOO HOO!!!!! WAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! This is a good thing since i dont have summer school today....YES!!!!!!! Well anyways my city has been practicing and testing fireworks for a few days now...Now today they can use them! At Ease!!! OOOOOOHHHH!!!! COLORFUL FIREWORKS!!!!!!! Also it sucks Naruto Shippuuden 18 was cancelled due to Dattebayo sales dropping....They said we had to download a total of 10k worth of downloads in episodes of pokemon diamond and pearl eps 4,5,and 6....And last week when they said if they dont reach 10k within 24 hours naruto would be permenantly dropped....Last time i checked last week around 5 or 6 o clock,they had like 8k of downloads...Hopefully it reached 10k....because if naruto is dropped,thats it...Its gone.....Also it sucks even more that Dattebayo was rejected a fansubbing panel from the Okaton anime event.....This usually never happens and they're like we are sorry but we must reject your request...and it sucks cuz Okaton is a really big anime event...and dattebayo needs to be there......so Dattebayo must find a...lesser anime event....which sucks...once again.....Well my family aint celebrating the 4th of July...For some reasons my aunt doesent feel like doing anything this year...Weak! so its like today is one regular no school day....Everyone else is having BBQs while im stuck here doing nothing....Bleh....Well here is your pic and at least i dont have school today...but yesterday ended fast and today too might end quickly than i expected...and last year it felt long and enjoyable due to me going to my cousin's house.....Oh well.....

Company of Heroes

I was bored so i thunk of playing the Demo..played it...it was Priceless.....Its like a WWII version of Dawn of War!!! Its like that because you can change the weapons of some units,and if a soldier falls in battle...you can replace the soldier!! Except in Company of heroes,you can only reinforce near a barracks or something...And there are sqauds....Just like dawn of war....Not sure if there is morale,but if squads are under heavy fire,they get pinned down and are unable to attack,so its kinda like their morale is low...May consider buying Company of Heroes,but my computer could handle only most of the settings on low,and some on medium....So i may just wait till i get a new computer...since i may get a new one soon...with more MB of RAM and a better video card!! Im currently stuck with only 512 MB of RAM and a Radeon X300 Video card...>.> This computer is slowly aging..its almost 5 years old...Even my mom considers we should get a new computer!! Bad thing about Company of Heroes,is that there are only two factions....Why not make more? You can only use USA,and Germany....Why not use Soviet Union? Maybe if Relic considers to make an Expansion Pack,they should add the soviet union,or more....Good thing is that the graphics are incredible even on its lowest settings,and for such incredible graphics,it has much less requirements than most games!! Like Supreme Commander,and Halo 2...Simply an awesome game,and i heard its hard to adapt to if your a beginner...if you played Dawn of War you can get used to the game more "Quickly"but that doesent mean you will get used to the game Fast...just Faster than usual because you know squad commands and know how to capture stragetic points,and squad management and stuff...Game is hard to get used to,because of intimidating AI(Same thing happened when i first played Dawn of War)and since not all of this game is like Dawn of War,AI is very hard to get used to...But once you do(like Dawn of War)The game becomes a piece of cake...Also some idoits decided to call the game a rip off of dawn of war...Ahem,its not....It was made from 2 of the exact same companies as Dawn of War!!! Relic,and THQ!!! So i give the Demo a 5 out of 5 for two awesome missions,and a nice skirmish map..And i also want to ask why there arent much variety of weapons to change when it comes to squad management...

Gaia Online

IVe had Gaia for a few weeks.....If you want to add me look for the same username as this........HI!!! short blog post...I havent had an urge to go on gamespot lately...

My Father WENT BERSERK!!!!!

Seriously!!! He was just fine,till my older sister came home...said Hi Dad!! and my Dad prolly saw her Tatoo on her leg....He knows about 2 tatoos,one on her back,and her neck....but he doesent know about the other 2!!! When he saw those tatoos,he went berserk!!! he yelled at my older sister,and my older sister was crying and ordered her to leave the house!! So she took most of her stuff,called her best friend,and stayed over there!!!! my dad also threw her stuff on the floor because she was putting her stuff away with roughly,in an angry way..and he didnt like it..and hes like in chinese...DO THAT AGAIN!!!!! I DARE YOU TO DO THAT AGAIN!!!! I had a fight with my older sister recently...but i feel for her.....Listen i know it isnt lifespot,but i just gotta tell someone!! My dad just hasnt been himself lately!! He has been getting more angrier easily,even to my mom,and my little sister!! the only one who can calm him down is His Mom!!! in other words,my Grandma!! but shes in the hospital!! So once im either my older sister's age,mr maybe a little older,IM GETTIN OUTTA HERE!!!!!! i aint stayin here with that......guy!!!! When im 18-20 years old,im cutting my ties with my Mother,Father,and i hate to leave my little sister,but shes growing up(although shes almost 10,and she still acts like shes 4...) and can maybe handle herself......So thats it! When im 18-20 yrs old,im taking my stuff(including the computer)and marching right outta here!! i dont care what it takes,im going to scour for all my important stuff and getting out of here!! even if my father apoligizes to my sister,IDC!!! i...am.....out.....of.....HERE!!!!! Where il go......il have to think of that.....And when my Father gets in a bad mood,its usually something that disturbed him quite a bit...meaning my older sisters Tatoo....and when he gets angry at one person,he blames everyone else,and treats him/her (my mom,me,and little sister) as much as he did with my older sister!! Cause of that...im typing this,and i saw him where his special green jacket(he wears either that jacket,or his red one ALL THE TIME when going to work...)but he didnt take his work boots....and a few other things...so im not sure if he went to work but if he comes back home,i will have severely limited use on the computer due to his anger because of the followings reasons:

1.He gets angry at everyone else when he is angry at one other person.

2.If he comes home,angry.....and im on the comp...he will yell TURN OFF THE COMPUTER,YOU PLAY TOO MUCH!!! TURN IT OFF,OR IL UNPLUG THE WHOLE THING!!!

3.I wouldnt dare go on the computer when hes around.....Too risky...i know how he is....he almost threw my GBA out the window once!!!

So il come as much as i can...if he went to work....GOOD FOR ME!!! il have a few hours to myself......if he comes home....i dont know...but usually before dinner,i turn off the computer,watch TV for an hour,eat dinner,wait an hour till 7:30 PM my regular go on computer time(he knows of it...but im not sure if he will allow it in this state...)..He usually tells me to ask him to go on,but i dont anymore...so il just simply...turn on the computer casually as usual at 7:30....and i guess surf the net,or play games....Although he may not allow.....This may end up bad....Heres your pic,enjoy it while it lasts!!

Today was pretty fun!

I went bowling with 2 of my friends,my friend's Mom,3 aunts,his little sister and his cousin! and guess what? i sucked!!! :D :D :D I hit the gutters more times than you can think! I still did better than one of my friends though.....i only got 2 spares and 1 strike :( But it was fun.....After that we went to the arcade for a little and played Time Crisis 4!! i played number 2 and 3 but im guessing 4 is pretty new? it was fun! But the games is 75 cents each time you wanna play again!! Jeez! no wonder that bowling alley gets so much money yearly! 75 Cents is almost a dollar,and when you finish a part of a mission in a level your health isnt restored and you cant restore your health at all! this makes the game really difficult....but its better than most arcade games and there are 4 weapons! its pretty challenging and you gotta use certain weapons for certain enemies so il be more effective...like those...bug thingies..that are like beetles use the machine gun,and for locusts use the shotgun....my favorite weapon is the handgun! its accurate,you can reload it...and it does good damage! Now i just ate dinner,watched Pokemon Diamond and Pearl(That episode was ok) and now im just on the computer....Bored....ima put up a review of Medal of Honor:Frontlines later....The Gamecube version of the game is the worst,but still awesome! i loved the game(i didnt finish it!)and playing with friends is awesome! its just that the Gamecube version's graphics are a little bland....But who cares,a lot of 3D Gamecube titles are kind bland....the game is challenging too,theres no pointer! and theres only a pointer when you aim down the sight!Well thats all for today! Heres a pic: