@Dannystaples14 i'm not positive, but i think he meant lower as in closer to the controller. i think the ps3's sticks stick out of the controller more than the ps4's. i hope that's what he meant.
@ahpuck @Dredcrumb9 i keep wanting to like the series, but haven't been able to get into them. but 1 is pretty cool, certainly has its problems and shows its age a wee bit, but it's got a good bit of unique stuff and a good flow.
@PosiTVEMinD355 I think i feel the exact same. I really wanted to like the other ones, but haven't been able to get into them yet. between what i've seen from killzone 4 and the new ps4 controller, this is the ps4 exclusive i'm most excited about. especially seeing multiplayer now.
@dcaseng I can respect where you're coming from, i feel like i feel kinda the same about people using smartphones all the time now. but i think that makes the game more interesting to me, since it's kind of a cautionary tale as to what could happen should we continue the way we're continuing.
SCWoodson007's comments