@ziggyww @Cillah187 @dawson81 Monster Hunter 3 is going to be worth it for me. Scribblenauts, ZombiU, Pikmin 3, Bayonetta 2 are all gonna be some fantastic icing on the cake. To that end, I only feel like I need to save up for it by march because that's when a lot of the highlight games will have come out (including Monster Hunter)
@Joedgabe I agree. It looked really good previously. Last time I saw it was i think E3 but they had a lot more interesting features than using the controller for a scope. hopefully this was just a bad trailer that didn't showcase the game as well as it could have.
@TacticaI I'm really interested in getting Horizon. I've played a couple of games in both the Dirt and Forza series, and from what I've seen this looks like a better choice between the 2. The complete Dirt 3 is very robust, but it just doesn't seem to have that same charm that the first 2 did. It's still a good game and a great value now, but if you're choosing between the two I'd recommend trying Horizon. At the same time, I've never played horizon so I can't say for sure, and I'd definitely recommend them both if you're able; Horizon seems completely different style and gameplay from Dirt 3. hope that helps.
Free play fridays are fantastic. thank you so much for this feature. half the time i've been playing the game for a little while and been obsessed with it (realm of the mad god, super crate box) and the other half of the time i hear about it here first and its absolutely fantastic (broforce, etc.)
so thanks Justin & the rest of gamespot for this awesome feature for poor college kids haha
Also I hope you enjoy Sequence Maxwell. as good as the rest of the game is, the story is by far the highlight in my opinion. well written and great twists near the end. enjoy!
hahaha they do a great job with this show. Sequence is an absolutely fantastic game too, that's what brought me here. I wish more people knew about it. Definitely in the top 5 games I've ever played, which is impressive to me at least haha.
SCWoodson007's comments