X2 was a bad game but the first DOAX was great and underrated. Itagaki simplified the mechanics of volleyball for someone who wouldn't normally touch a sport games. On top of the volleyball, the game was essentially a collectathon of swimsuits. Play more volleyball, you get them moniez, and buy more swimsuits. Once you have all the swimsuits, you start getting into relationships with your partner with the purpose getting a high enough relationship to gift each other swimsuits that you won't normally have access to. 50 hours later, I satisfied my Diablo loot grind needs.
As for Sigma, I can't comment too much since I haven't played it but the lack of blood and dismemberment turn me off. I thought that was what ninjas were all about; hacking people up, using shurikens, and stuff. Unless you convince me that orange jumpsuits is more ninja like; I will stick with that. The only thing I could use as a comparison would be like comparing Mortal Kombat vs DC to Mortal Kombat 9.
Most if not all the editors that I liked at IGN have left. They are constantly moving in and out editors and freelancers to the point where there is no creditability and relationship between the reader and the editor. Also some of the editors that are left like Colin Moriarty have maybe been in the gaming industry for too long (check his Mass Effect 3 Ending Controversy video on youtube) and are biased to some developers and publishers.
This is a great game; would you like to purchase the buyer protection plan with it, was there any games that you wanted to reserve, do you have your power rewards card with you, can we have you email address, did you want to buy the strategy guide with this game, do you want to switch cellphone carriers to Gamestop GSM plan and save in your trade ins? Do these Gamestop employees have enough stuff to try to sell you?
Whelp better start buying all those THQ games before EA buys them out, pulled down all the games, require an Origin account, and can only buy it off of Origin.com.
SDBusDriver1979's comments