I feel like Sony is overstepping the privacy of the regular user by wanting private conversations, people who watched videos of Hotz cracking the system on youtube, private email, and ip addresses of people who just visit his site. As a person who can not learn a language more or least a programming language, I still understand what the code is doing so I watch Hotz 45 minute keynote and understood mostly what was going on; it was fascinating. Just because I watched that video, Sony might now have my IP address and listed me as a person who possibly hack their system. Hotz himself is not uploading isos of Killzone around to everyone but he gets a lawsuit and Sony wants to know everything and anything possibly related to him or his work while Sony does nothing about the sites who are actually delivering their pirated copyright IPs to everyone. Lack of a better phase Sony is doing what they have always done which is to ignore everyone's advice even to the point of defying all logic.
Without a gamepad there really isn't anything separating this from an iphone. Not like that have to give me really alot of buttons but what I do want is a directional pad and 4 buttons integrated onto a keyboard. If only someone else could make as good as a joystick on a handheld as the Zodiac (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapwave_Zodiac).
The shadowing and anti alias looks slightly better on the 360. You would definitely need a side by side comparison of the 360 and PS3 to tell a difference, it isn't as plain as sight like Fallout. I'm surprise that the PC version doesn't look vastly significantly better than its console counter parts.
SDBusDriver1979's comments