@XanderZane MS Flight was released 2 months ago using the free to play model while selling additional planes for a pretty expensive price. I doubt it would have generated enough revenue to justify having staff update it even if the planes were cheap. Simply wasn't as good as previous MS Fight Simulators. Also the people who would pay the high price for the planes, probably wouldn't as the game is a mix of an arcade and sim feel to it. Microsoft dropped the ball by making it more accessible to people instead of going the glorious $1000 Railworks Train Simulator dlc master race route.
What Sony doesn't realize is that they were already been nailing the family friendly market by having Call of Duty on their system. All the kids and their parents seem to be playing that..... ;_;
This is terrible news, now all those ex-SOE employees are now ex-Bioware/SOE employees. They can now spread out and inflict more ruin to games with their horrible game design, art work, and sloppy code. It was no surprise that the people who brought ruin to Star Wars Galaxies, brought ruin to the KOTOR name. We need to house these people off from other game companies or no future western mmo will be safe. Preferably housed at EA where they can match the quality of EA's other games but even EA doesn't want them because they are tainted. We are doomed to be playing Korean MMOs in the future which might not be so bad. Think of the horrible if they went to Blizzard, think of the children.
I don't know what games Cage has been playing or if he is just reading NPD numbers but there is more games out there than just FPSs. For the past year I've been enjoying Mortal Kombat, Portal 2, Terraria, Driver, Saints Row, and DayZ. Some are FPSs but all give me an experience I have never felt before. With indie games, mods, and the free to play model kicking in; I think there is more innovation happening in the immediate future than there was 3 or 4 years ago. Mecha games are back, simulators are back, adventure games are back, arena FPS are back, MMOs are back, and weird wtf games like Ace of Spades are coming out; delivered in new ways, presented in new ways, marketed in new ways, and making money in new ways. I haven't been this excited for games since the N64 era and I am going bananas over Planetside 2.
It is baffling why Secret World has a subscription, you would think they would have learned from Age of Conan's horrid launch and the switch to free to play did for the game.
SDBusDriver1979's comments