Kind of cool but I can't support buying this game over Capcom's decision to close Clover after making it and the key people who made it won't see a dime. Seems like a disservice in my eyes.
Waiting for the announcement that Tomonobu Itagaki has been hired as creative director, as if the stars have all aligned in a new golden immaculate age of boob physics extraordinaire, only the highest resolution cloth textures the human eye can see, and the pinnacle of every fetish known or unknown to man. All featured in one disc; a Itagaki Yuke coproduction Lingerie Football League.
@Jedilink109 @blue_francis14 People like to hate on EA isn't because they're a big corporation, its because they have one of the worst track records. EA is notorious for buying game studios, meddle with their IPs, abuses their employees, rush products with game breaking bugs, and then shutting studios down when they don't preform. How can we not worry about the inner workings look at what happen at Dragon Age 2 or Mass Effect 3 when EA was in complete control over the production. Why there is no more decent Command & Conquer games, why there hasn't been a decent Sim City since Sim City 3000, why there is 17 expansion packs for the Sims 2, and why EA has been in decline with metacritic scores each year. I can't not stop worrying about inner workings because some of my favorite franchises has gone down hill after being acquired be EA.
I don't think developers understand that the tab target mmo is over saturated and people want to play new mmos that are fresh. Blizzard understood this back in 2007 when they announced that Titan was going to be a next-generation MMO that would be "something that's cool, and new, and different" and not a competitor or clone to WoW. Penny Arcade makes a good point that SWTOR, Tera, and Guild Wars 2 all each have their unique gimmick if only they could combine them to make a completely fresh mmo. If you were to strip away the great story in SWTOR, the free action combat in Tera, and the quests in GW2; all you have left is just another dumb generic mmo.
Developers should be looking at Tribes, Planetside 2, Phantasy Star Online 2, World of Tanks, and Mecha Warrior Online and figure out a way to turn them into a persistent world thats not highly instanced.
SDBusDriver1979's comments