SDHcrusader's forum posts
uhh the game's been out for a while, right? :?BeeefIsGoood
He's talking about mgs po+, like the previous poster said, its only scheduled for Japan at the moment. I personally want it to come to the states, I dont have mgs po yet and might as well wait for this version.
I see the fallacious comments go to a new high here. Mental Handicaps? Okay, I'm supposedly mentally impaired because I told you. I never said crap about my mental state, and you're not one to say anything seeing as you don't know me personally, and therefore cannot prove whether I am handicapped or not. But that's not the point. Let me tell you now I was born without any issues (thank the lord), and that sometimes, to get a point across to someone, you have to lie. Just think here. I hate George Bush with a passion. Why? Well, in order to get the point by that Iraq was dangerous, he blurted out false statements, such as, "The Iraqis have weapons of mass destruction." Weapons we're yet to see. Plain and simple, sometimes you have to lie to get a point by. However, there is a large difference between lieing (sp?) and making false remarks about things you don't know. Benefit of the doubt or not, what he said was completely idiotic, and so was what you said. I actually respected you for not falling for my "little evil hidden survey" but now I completely regret the praise I just gave to you. Also, may I mention right now that there's a difference between what Bush and I did. Bush wanted to gain more votes and have every American against the Iraqis. He lied for his own personal gain. I lied to learn more of the internet, so during future events, not only could I tell if someone was lieing, but I'd be able to tell someone else that they're falling for a trick. I lied for the world. lol. But in all seriousness, there's a large difference between my actions, bush's actions, your (valmonte) actions, and SDHcrusader's actions. Well, you and SDH are pretty much the same making completely false, and unsupported remarks about me. I say unsupported because NOT ONCE did you prove I was mental, or 13, or even a damn hacker. The only thing you guys could prove was that I lied about the memory stick. But wait! You proved that because it was FACT. I actually did lie. But I'm not mental, a hacker, 13, and I wasn't "picking on" 13 year old kids. I was instead trying to see how quickly and desperately a human can believe one's comments. I'm suprised that Valmonte didn't bring anything better to the table. I know you're smart. Pick up the game man.
On a sidenote, if Valmonte wasn't dissing me, but instead actually praising me for picking on kids, well then, that's your opinion. Praise is always good, but my goal wasn't to piss of kids. And it's hard to tell if you're being nice or an ass. You state that I'm handicapped, yet you praise me for supposedly picking on kids. WTF?
Who cares? Go outside and try playing a sport. You are23 and arguing with children on a game forum. Your attempt to be itelligent failed. Think of a different word besides fallacious, maybe illogical. Ever hear of a thesaurus, give it a try. As to you being smarter than me, ha good luck winning that argument. What was your SAT/ACT in high school, what college did you attend, what was your degree? I got a 32 on the ACT and a full ride to a nationally credited engineering college. I'm 19 and hold an easy 4.0.
You act like you were trying to do a study and "research" by people's reactions. Are you writing a paper on your findings of children reacting to you "hacking" memory sticks? Have fun doing your research, you look like a fool.
Way to school me by the way, I'm humbled by your superior intelligence.
That's sarcasm, since you like to point out the obvious to me I thought I'd give ita try for you.
Good luck in your sad pathetic life.
OWNED!!! Just as said before, I was trying to prove how gullible and decieveable members of these forums are. People who are tracking me, bash me all you want. I will admit I didn't totally lie. I'm an expert coder in both visual basic, and c++, and I'm currently working on two games. But, the whole mem stick thing was just a joke. Some people that were smart, such as Valmonte, Marlins Baseball, and Charsoxer failed to succumb into my dirty foolery, thus causing them to see my real intent and exposing my vicious schemes. In other words, they didn't fall for it. I don't hate any of you guys. But I will ALWAYS respect those who don't fall into the holes I dig.High_Spy
How is that owning anyone besides yourself? You proved nothing besides the fact that you have no life. Cool, so you know how to code, any 13 year old wanna be hacker knows codes. Grow up and find something better to do with your life than claim to make your own memory sticks out of tinfoil and plastic. Your air of superiority also fails. We are on the internet, good luck proving how smart you are. All you managed to do was hijack this kid's thread and make a fool of yourself.
As to the original question, if you have the need for 8 gigs and money isn't an issue then by all means, go for it. If not stick with the cheap 4 gigs.
Thread already started on this, better story at pspfanboy
My opinion is in the previous thread, this is a waste of time for sony. If people wanted to play their psp on their tv with a ps2/ps3 controller... why not just play you freeking ps2 or ps3?
Everytime i convert youtube i just put it in the movie folder, thought that was just common sense..
Did you format your memory stick? Just make your own folder and title it movie and stick it in there, see if that works.
[QUOTE="SDHcrusader"][QUOTE="lilriceboy"]You can find games online to download, which are already set for PSP format from the PS1 system. I am currently playing FF7 (for the billionth time) on the PSP. There's no widescreen support, but its still good fun. Find out online if you wish to give it a shot or drop me a line.
That's also called stealing. You will probably be modded because gamespot aparently doesn't like thiefs.
thats not really have to know the rules about playing FF7 on psp, and i will not discuss them here. And FYI, there is widescreen support on PS1 PSP games. CastleVania: SotN is better in widescreen :DDownloading a game you didn't pay anything for isn't stealing? Well thanks for clearing that up.
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