IMHO, I think Sony should have learned from their two biggest mistakes from last gen: first, it was too expensive (1 PS3= Xbox+Wii); second, it came to the market way too late. I believe those two factors allow MS to gain a lot of ground in the market!
I just hope he disappear from the gaming world! To me, his constant push for 'face melting' graphics comes at the expense of other important gaming elements. It is the biggest reason why games are so much more expensive to make, and it is also why the industry is so risk-adverse
I have a 360, but I am tired of seeing how Microsoft wants to cash in on games, PCs, smart phones and tablets. I will say that if they keep trying to do everything at the same time, they will alienate the gamers who pay for xbox live and buy games regularly!
SEEDman_X's comments