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New gamertag + even more bad news

New Gamertag
As some of you may know, I changed my gamertag from SHAUGHNZ to xBLTZxINFERNOx
I just thoguht you guys may like to know, so dont delete me ^.^

Bad News
Another death in the family. My Great Aunty Pat just died. So far this year my Grandpa has died, My parents are getting divorced and my great Aunty died. Wow, this year is awesome:roll::cry:

10,000 gamerscore + really bad news

hey everyone,
I got my Gamerscore passed 10,00!

My 2 main Contributions ^.^

Now on to the sh** news...
My parents told me yesterday that they are going to get a divorce.
I can't help but to feel like its my fault. I hate myself and my life sometimes, and at the moment, i do, alot.

4 New games + almost 10,000 Gamerscore!

Hey guys
How is everyone doing?
I bought 3 new games on the weekend, and my mum bought one aswell!
I got Halo 3, TC's Rainbow Six Vegas & TC's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
My Mum got singstar abba :P We did it and the 80's one for 1 1/2 hours yesterday:P
My gamerscores almost at 10,000! Its currently at 9720, but with three new games it cant be too hard to get 280.
I also now have map pack 2 & 3 for COD5. If anyone wants to play, send us a message!!
Seeya guys round

5 minute poetry attempt!

Lurking deep inside
The beast within
It tries to escape
I let it win
It consumes me
Fuels me
Overtakes me
Powerless now
Have to wait
It's the Predator
I'm the bait
Like Pandora's Box
Evil's frontier
Cant contain
Cant constrain
The end is near

By Shaughn :D

What do you think :P
(Please, be honest :) I wont mind if you dont like it)

New Computer!

Hey everyone,
Sorry for not really being around very often. I got a new computer in my room so now I should be more active around here! If you would like to see it, click the spoiler :D
XPS 630!!
PS. If video doesnt work, please let me know. Thanks :D
Iv got exams coming up next week, so i have lots of studying to do :evil:
I also bought Gears of War and Call of Duty: World at War
Anyway, thanks for atleast looking at my blog:)


Hey guys and girls
How is everyone? This is just a random blog to let you guys know i still visit gamespot. Im sorry I don't post blogs or anything anymore, I really am:(

Click here first
And here second

I guess Ill seeya round...

Seriously 2.0 done...

Awesome! Seriously 2.0 - 50gmaerscore

Well, it took a long time but its finally finished. Now all I need is the combustible map pack and gold (Which im getting tomorrow) for me to be get the rest:D
How are you?
Seeya Guys

Gears 2 + Work Experience + Driving

Hello everyone,
This is just a quick update blog on life and games:D

Gears 2
A few blogs back, I said I was going to try to get alot more of the Gears of war 2 Achievements, And Iv had a great sucess! I dont know wether you guys care or not, but ill post em anyway :twisted: Also im over half way there in seriosuly 2.0.

Skeletons in your closet Skeletons in Your Closet - 20Gamerscore Icon
Open Relationship Open Relationship - 30Gamerscore Icon
Party Like Its 1999 Party Like Its 1999 - 30Gamerscore Icon
Friends With Benefits Friends With Benefits - 50Gamerscore Icon
Suicide Missionary Suicide Missionary - 150Gamerscore Icon

Work Experience
I have work experience coming up, and with any luck, I might be able to get into a gaming place:D If I cant, then A guy I know who works in IT at a University will let me do work experience there. Also, he told me if there was nothing to do I could go up to the gaming room and play games the whole time:D Awesome ey!:D

Well on Sunday I went driving for the first time. It was bloody awesome and apparently I did better than expected. I'll be learning to use a manual, but on Sunday I used an Automatic.

Heres a riddle for everyone, see if you can answer it without cheating.
I have an eye but cannot see. I am stronger and faster then any man alive but have no limbs. What Am I?
Answer will be in next blog (If I remember:D)

Seeya guys later!