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Science test + Giantbomb

Holy s*** is all I can say:P
We had a science test on stuff we had never EVER done before lol. It was all about elements, we got a mini periodic table of the elements (Im so new at this stuff I dont even know if I said it right :lol:). I know i defiantly got 3 of 30 right, so 10% isnt too bad:P

I will go on with blog comments now, So tell me if yopu want your blog commented in:D

Also my next blog post is my 100th!
I'd say by then That there would be 3 milestones that Ill pass:D

Ohh and tanc, Get MSN!

I made a giantbomb account. I probally wont use it but im keeping my user name:D
Here it is
I have some crap halo avatar aswell :cry:
Im changing it too a GoW2 animation:D
Ohh and dont tell me any s*** like "heh I knew you would make one" or any other crap like that

Catcha Later guys ;)

Sorry guys

Iv been banned from all electronics and some other s***. My parents forced me to read, I wanted to read my FHM mags but my parents said a real book:cry: So i went to my collection of books (Iv only got 2) and i grabbed 1 i havnt read yet (I havnt read eith of them:P). Im not a big reader but when I start I cant stop. Anyway I was reading tomorrow, when the war began. Its a pretty cool book and theres like 6 more in the series or something.Gaming news: Iv been playing alot of star wars lego because I have alot of crap games. Umm Other news: there is none, really. err so yea. cya guys. Dont bother commenting, I just thought I should tell you were Iv been. Ohh and i am not making a giantbomb account, just so You know ;)


New banner, Level 22 and some other stuff

I made a new banner. I was getting bored with the old one, I like change:D Ohh and yes i deleted my blog header, it only says Under Construction!! now. Hope you like it.

Level 22
In about 2 hours ill be level 22, so I figured I would include that in this blog.

Other Stuff
Sorry about not commenting in your blog, if i haven't commented there, just tell me and I would be ecstatic to comment in it:) The reason I might not have commented in it is because my computer is really slow at the moment and it takes like 3 minutes to open a page >.>

Also, I know not many of you here would know what AFL is, But i need your help! First of all, AFL is the Australian Footy League. Basically I'm torn between tipping Geelong or Western Bulldogs. Geelong are at the top of the ladder and Western Bulldogs are second. Geelong have 2 of their really good players out for this match, but Geelong is a good All-rounder team. Western Bulldogs always score heaps and have had a really good season. Basically I need your help picking a team. Because you dont really know much about them, you can just tip a team that you like the name of or something.
So, Western bulldogs or Geelong?

Thanks everyone:D

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

As much as it desires.
Hey dooodes
I got a new E3 emblem.
I better get the microsoft ____
Virtually There: E3 2008 Nintendo & Sony Conferences
For tuning into GameSpot's E3 2008 live broadcast of both the Sony press conference and the Nintendo press conference on Tuesday, July 15.

I SHOULD get the microsoft one because I watched as much as anyone else did, I guess mines still on the way? If I dont get it im gonna be really p***ed off, I had to wake up at 2am to watch it :|

Also im feeling really depressed at the moment, for no real reason*cough*. Ill probally make some stuff in photoshop that might be emo-ish so just a bit of a warning.

Iv decided to stop the countdown crap, its boring for both me and you
click the spoiler if you want to see the top 3
[spoiler] Equal 3rd: Far Cry 2
Resistance 2
2nd: Killzone 2
1st: Gears of War 2 [/spoiler]
Umm so yea, thats about it

Save Fallout 3!

Video Was Delted:(

Fallout 3
Please help out us Aussies by signing a petition to try and stop the ban for us.
Go here


My Top 5 Anticipated Games - #4

Release Date: 15th October 08 unconfirmed
Platforms: 360, PS3, PC
Genre: RTS
Publisher: Ubisoft
Developer: Ubisoft
Official Website: End War

The unthinkable happens in 2016. A nuclear exchange in the Middle East kills 20 million people and cripples the world's oil supply. Crude oil prices spike at $800 a barrel. One year later, the threat of world-wide nuclear war is eliminated when the United States and Europe deploy a comprehensive space-based anti-ballistic missile shield. Russia soon follows with an advanced missile defense system of its own. Intercontinental ballistic missiles are rendered obsolete. Russia becomes the world's primary supplier of energy and experiences a massive economic boom. With its newfound riches, Russia quickly re-establishes itself as a major superpower and restores her military might. Western Europe, with the notable exception of the UK and Ireland, unifies to create the European Federation. This new nation is destined to be a formidable 21st-century Superpower. In 2020, the United States is on the verge of finishing construction on the Freedom Star, a controversial orbital military platform that will upset the balance of world power. The European Federation withdraws from NATO in protest. Tensions between the European Federation, the United States, and Russia are building and will soon reach the breaking point. The EndWar is about to begin.

Enforcer Corps - Europe

The European Federation is a new superpower, founded in 2018 to consolidate political and economic power in the face of the world energy crisis and accelerating security and environmental concerns around the globe. Though publicized as an evolution of the European Union, demanding admission criteria disenfranchised all but the wealthiest nations of Europe. The UK and Ireland declined membership (instead joining the New Commonwealth), as did Switzerland (fiercely neutral as always).

Consummate professionals, the European Federation Enforcer Corps is made up of veteran elite counter-terrorist and peacekeeping forces from throughout Europe. Calm and precise, these highly-trained and experienced soldiers are especially skilled in urban warfare. They excel in electronic warfare as well as advanced directed energy weapons technology, and have the fastest battlefield vehicles. The Enforcer Corps also have access to the world's best "less than lethal" weaponry.

Spetsnaz Guard Brigade - Russia

The world's number one supplier of oil and natural gas since the 2016 nuclear war in the Middle East, Russia has experienced an economic boom of epic proportions. It has used its newfound riches to build up its military to levels beyond the Cold War and is once again a true superpower in the world arena.

Soldier for soldier, no force on the planet can match the Spetsnaz Guard Brigades in terms of raw, brute force. Hardened veterans of Russia's many regional conflicts, these troopers are a highly effective, determined, and deadly force. The Spetsnaz tend to focus on heavy weapons and heavy armor, and often ingeniously modify standard-issue equipment to suit their needs, resulting in vehicles bristling with bolted-on weaponry the original designer never dreamed of including.

Joint Strike Force - USA

Once strong allies with Europe, the U.S. has broken ranks following the dissolution of NATO and the formation of the European Federation. The two superpowers are now locked in a costly and controversial military space race. This rivalry builds to a crescendo when the U.S. prepares to launch the Freedom Star, a huge military space station that Europe suspects could be used to neutralize its missile shield satellites.

An evolution of today's Marine Expeditionary Units, the Joint Strike Force is known for their integration of air and ground combat capabilities. Epitomizing the saying, high speed, low dragi, these elite soldiers excel in precision firepower and can rapidly deploy anywhere in the world. Moreover, their stealth technology and the accuracy of their weapons are second-to-none.

Note: All text in this blog was copy and pasted from the End war website.

End War Battlefield
New Sig!
Its an End War sig!
End war sig
Click on it too see the whole thing :D
Im actually gonna use it so if you see me on the forums, youll see this as my sig ;)

Tagger King!
Iv been tagging alot and im finally at the tagger king thing. w00t. Now i can stop tagging:D

Thanks for reading :D

My Top 5 Anticipated Games - #5

Fallout 3!
Release Date: 7th October 08 unconfirmed
Platforms: 360, PS3, PC
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Developer: Bethesda Softworks
Official Website: Fallout 3

Vault-Tec engineers have worked around the clock on an interactive reproduction of Wasteland life for you to enjoy from the comfort of your own vault. Included is an expansive world, unique combat, shockingly realistic visuals, tons of player choice, and an incredible cast of dynamic characters. Every minute is a fight for survival against the terrors of the outside world - radiation, Super Mutants, and hostile mutated creatures. From Vault-Tec, America's First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation.

Vault 101 - Jewel of the Wastes. For 200 years, Vault 101 has faithfully served the surviving residents of Washington DC and its environs, now known as the Capital Wasteland. Though the global atomic war of 2077 left the US all but destroyed, the residents of Vault 101 enjoy a life free from the constant stress of the outside world. Giant Insects, Raiders, Slavers, and yes, even Super Mutants are all no match for superior Vault-Tec engineering. Yet one fateful morning, you awake to find that your father has defied the Overseer and left the comfort and security afforded by Vault 101 for reasons unknown. Leaving the only home you've ever known, you emerge from the Vault into the harsh Wasteland sun to search for your father, and the truth.

Random stuff:
Fallout 3 was banned from Australia because of too much drug use.
In the game, your father, James, is voiced by Liam Neeson (Qui-Gon Jin from Star wars: Ep1, Henri Ducard from Batman Begins, Aslan from the Chronicles of Narnia series)
The Narrator is Ron Perlman (Hellboy from the Hellboy movies, Slade from Turok, Lord Hood from Halo 2 & 3)
There are currently 9-12 endings for Fallout 3 depending on what you do in the game.
The main storyline will go for about 20 hours. Completing Side quests could take it up to 40 hours.
The story is Mutable. You can destroy entire quest-lines and or open new ones.
There is 21 collectible head-bobbling dolls.
On the 360, There are achievments that make you play the game over again. For example, if you do evil deeds, your karma will go down, and at the end you get an achievment for low karma. You can also get an achievment for high karma, by doing good deeds.

The description and story wern't written by me, I just copy and pasted it off fallout 3's official website.

Fallout 3!
Avatar Change?
I was thinking of chnaging my avatar to this Killzone 2 gif. You can barely tell its KZ2 but meh.

Thanks for reading :D

Im Back!

Hey guys!
How is everyone? I'm back from Sydney:)
Ill tell you some stuff I did on each day, don't worry it'll be short, i hate writing long blogs :P

Started driving at around 7am and got there at 6:30pm. It was over 900kms away. When we got there we walked into this food court and set off some alarms, there were flashing lights and loud sounds so we just ran away :P I took some photos of the room I was staying in and the pool. There below:)

Pics i took :)

We went to the Zoo and we saw Joe Hockey, The politician:o The zoo was a bit of a let down, not as good as Melbourne's zoo IMO. Got some good photos though :) Then we went on the roof top spa at 7pm. It was fun :D:P

[spoiler] The elephant photo was a photo that was displayed on a board, I just took a photo of that photo and showed my family:P They fell for it untill 30 seconds later they found the board :cry: [/spoiler]
Star Attraction
Star Attraction At The Zoo
Floating elephant p00p:P:D

We started off on a Cruise! we went through Sydney harbour and got pictures of the Sydney harbour Bridge and the Opera house. We drove up too south point and had Doyles fish and chips. It was crap. I actually counted how much of everything we got. We got 32 chips between 2 people, 5 bite sized pieces of flake and a tonne of salad :lol: We got 2 of those plate things. It cost $30:lol: Anyway, after we went down to Bondi Beach for literally 2 minutes:P Then we went to Kings Cross and saw prostitutes, hobos and a whole bunch of strip joints :P

Pics i took :)

In the morning we went to the Sydney Aquarium. Like the zoo, Melbourne's Aquarium is bigger and better. I didnt get to take many photos because of all the glass and my camera was stuffing up :|. Later in the arvo, we went to go see my grandpa's sister and her husband, My dad's uncle and his wife and thier son. It was great to finally meet them, there really nice people.

ZOMG sharks
Pics i took:)

Left Sydney at 7am and arrived back home at 6pm. Its soo good to be home in a bigger bed and see my dogs again :D

Now, Whats everyone up too? Ill be posting back in the 2 unions i post in in just a minute :)
Also Im trying to make an animated avatar but it wont work :evil:
Damn! This is a big blog. EPIC PHAIL!!:(:P
[spoiler] My top 5 anticipated games will start in my next blog and i might post a few pics of me in there aswell :) [/spoiler]
Thanks everyone :D