SHiFTY_v4's forum posts
Is this a good TV? Ive read good reviews everywhere for it. It has 120Hz too. It is only $700 which is cheap for the features it has.
Please define, you say Halo has a good campaign and good online but nothing else? What else is there? Im sorry but COD4 has nothing more than what Halo has, if anything, it has less. The lobby system isnt as good, cant remake maps, no theater to edit clips, cant customize armor, and is exremely repetive.The campaing and online gameplay are good but thats just it, COD 4 is way better
resistance 2's graphics own halo 3's graphics by a long shot, resistance 2 owns halo with the online competative, the online CO-OP. and about everything in the game.
now Killzone 2 owns resistance 2 in graphics, gameplay, online, everything.
Killzone 2>Resistance 2>Halo 3.
And if you Halo fans really really like the damn game (not that its that bad) then go and play it, of course if you have the patience to play with 8 year olds, thats cool.
damn this thread is getting out of hand, what ever, back to Killzone.
Then dont play pick-up games, play with friends, that was hard.. wasnt it? There is kids on every game im getting tired of fanboys using that excuse, the majority of online gamers are kids, not adults. Halo doesnt depend on graphics to make it a good game, its all about the gameplay, unlike Sony's games. They rely on graphics only and put gameplay last which is why LIVE rules over PSN and always will.[QUOTE="chaoscougar1"][QUOTE="KorruptRaiden"](Too much quotation) Well it took me about 3 seconds to think for what i had written before hand, so yeah i would not call that effort, and yes i am on top because no one has actually made any valid points or remarks towards my posts other than indirectly saying that im wrong without anything to support their statements with so yes i will stick by my word, countless times people have given into my whining and tried the games i say are the best and time and time again i they agree.KorruptRaidenahahahahaha oh wow, you just keep on digging dont u? you gonna have to think for a little longer than 3 seconds to get anything intelligent out, which u have managed to prove time and time again. and people have made valid points, you just chose to not read them or only read what you wanted to. and you also spoke about people supporting their statements...wheres your support? i dont see any evidence to back up your claims other than the blatent opinion stated as fact. and congrats for making yourself sound like a child with your last sentence, 'most time people give into my whining,' toddlers whine alot too ;) Do you actually know what valid means??? making a statement or implication without any supporting evidence is not a valid one, that is my point, and i have said it before that i dont need any support, simply because i dont need it and i know that because none of your have successfully made a single valid point that actually draws for the need to back myself up.
Dude quit your complaining ...Halo isnt about the campaign its about the online play, not our fault if you suck at it. Go play something else that takes less skill. You dont like Halo... we know, who cares? ...haha.
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