[QUOTE="rocoswav"]LOL the lems seem so depressed, you could see it in there words. there is no chance of trollin here. check mate :Dkingcobrasoccerlol i am one of them. To bad one game couldn't convince me to spend $500.
:roll: o rly...
[QUOTE="rocoswav"]LOL the lems seem so depressed, you could see it in there words. there is no chance of trollin here. check mate :Dkingcobrasoccerlol i am one of them. To bad one game couldn't convince me to spend $500.
:roll: o rly...
[QUOTE="AAllxxjjnn"][QUOTE="joker730"]some quotes from the review:
"It sets new standards in graphics, sound, gameplay, and storytelling, and it may be years before it is equaled, let alone surpassed. You will not play a better game this year---maybe even this decade. If you own a PS3 buy this game the day it comes out. And if you don't own a PS3, well, you better start saving your nickels and dimes."
"In the end, everyone's a winner. The Playstation 3 finally gets it's "saviour", Kojima gets his masterpiece, and gamers get one of the best games of all time. And they all lived happily ever after."
Sounds like the reviewer is getting a little carried away to me...
Agreed. While I don't doubt it'll be a great game, I barely think it'll be that great.
yeah but you'd still buy it though :roll:
[QUOTE="vicmackey39"][QUOTE="kentaro22"] I do agree on that. If things continue like this, in which most PS3 games need a big install, we'll start hearing from people that have 20GB PS3s to complain. To counter this Sony should be quick and start selling from now on Bigger HDs in the PS3s or stop/ reduce install data on new games. For now, I don't see it as a big problem, but in the future when people have more games that requiere big installs they will a big problem of managin data on their HD.IDateWhiteChick
pretty much
but I disagree that introducing new SKU's with bigger hard drives solves much. Early adopters have already been screwed by the price drops and the lack of a dual shock controller. Allowing the trend to continue would leave them up the creek without a paddle
sounds like Sony is in a really, really desperate, red alert kind of situation. Is Sony a sinking ship? Will it make it through the PS3 era? Things are looking pretty bleak for the PS3 these days.
gee.. i wonder how the PS3 is doing in Japan, Australia, Europe, and even North America right now... :roll:
dont worry fanboys, you'll get your chance to bash the PS3 after the MGS4/PS3 bundle sales result gets posted.
sig this; i dare you...
[QUOTE="SHuN_G0Ku"]:lol: man hermits.., i didn't think you guys were such "blatant fanboys" approving mandatory install on your games... tsk tsk tsk :roll:
TC stfu, noone ever mentioned about installation negativity besides lems and fanboys who bashes the PS3 such as "YOU", who doesn't even own one and the "impatient ones" who thinks the world will end before the installation finishes..
"YOU" dont have a PS3 and i'm sure "YOU" dont know how the installation proceeds..
GTAIV's installation didn't even take 5 mins on my PS3 (like other sites claimed it is) and i'm pretty sure most PS3 owners here probably took even less.
based from all the PS3 games i have, i'd say 4-6 mins is the average..
I am thinking of getting a PS3 for MGS4, dude. Don't tell me to st*u. Also, I am going to report you for using caps in your insult to me. That is offensive to me, and against the TOS.
:lol: epic lulz :lol:
awwww... poor wittle cooking mama got upset boohoohoo.. :( gee.. cry a river won't ya...
you know i could get you modded for making false claims just by sending mods the title of your ignorant thread...
cuz as far as where this thread is going, you make it sound like it's all right for PC's mandatory install and not with the PS3 and even GENERALIZE IT?!.. ...it's like putting "my PS3 sux cuz it has to have long hrs of installation.." right in all of PS3 owner's mouth.
so what if the PS3 is trying to be a PC? what're you gonna do about it? call SONY and demand a renovation? :lol: ..nice try
if you dont like the PS3's mandatory installation then don't buy it. it's that simple.
thread sunk.
[QUOTE="BoD_GOA_French"][QUOTE="st1ka"][QUOTE="BoD_GOA_French"]I will be buying a 500gb HDD for my PS3 very soon. Installs are not that big of a deal. You can just delete the install when you are done playing the game, or buy a bigger HDD like i am. This thread fails.... Installs only make things run smoother. Fanboys running out of ammo against the PS3 these days. Its starting to get pathetic....st1ka
if it werent for installs you wouldnt need to buy a 500 HDD
I have over 100 movies on my external HDD. I will be putting them onto my PS3, thats the real reason for buying the new HDD. Like I said before, you can delete the game install when you are done playing the game... you fail...
you tend to have a nack for saying people fail... a bit insecure are you?
my point still stands though, what is the point of having mandatory installs? if they were optional we would not even be having this discussion
the only reason we're having this discussion is because we have blind and impatient fanboys thinking mandatory installs is a bad thing.
to TC, it make it sound like he/she has never installed a program before on his/her pc or other mediums...
[QUOTE="BoD_GOA_French"]I will be buying a 500gb HDD for my PS3 very soon. Installs are not that big of a deal. You can just delete the install when you are done playing the game, or buy a bigger HDD like i am. This thread fails.... Installs only make things run smoother. Fanboys running out of ammo against the PS3 these days. Its starting to get pathetic....st1ka
if it werent for installs you wouldnt need to buy a 500 HDD
some people install bigger HDDs on their PS3 not just for games though..
for me i'm thinking about switching my 80 gig to a 250 gig one cuz i've exported tons of movies and musics into my PS3.
there's a total of 10 gig of game trailers i've downloaded off of PSN and i also transferred the whole Tom & Jerry classic collection which is about 15 gigs.
right now i only have 15/74 total gig left
:lol: man hermits.., i didn't think you guys were such "blatant fanboys" approving mandatory install on your games... tsk tsk tsk :roll:
TC stfu, noone ever mentioned about installation negativity besides lems and fanboys who bashes the PS3 such as "YOU", who doesn't even own one and the "impatient ones" who thinks the world will end before the installation finishes..
"YOU" dont have a PS3 and i'm sure "YOU" dont know how the installation proceeds..
GTAIV's installation didn't even take 5 mins on my PS3 (like other sites claimed it is) and i'm pretty sure most PS3 owners here probably took even less.
based from all the PS3 games i have, i'd say 4-6 mins is the average..
[QUOTE="Painballz"][QUOTE="Blackbond"][QUOTE="zero9167"]fighting games do work :| keyboard is a actual a great way to control a fighting game.kage_53
You can't be serious :|
Have you played Rumble Fighter? It works great with the keyboard
Go play Melty Blood Act Cadenza Version B or even Virtua Fighter 2 for that matter and say that again.I will give my own personal pc(XPS) to anyone who ever could do 4 wind-God-fist juggle (all connected) from any Mishimas on a keyboard.
I wanted to ask 5 ewgf but 3 would be hard enough so 4 ewgf it is just to make sure i dont lose my pc :D
there was a rather large poll were we voted on console graphics king. It was a while back and i cant seem to find it.Broman6015
please don't.. you dont wanna go back there cuz lemms are still recovering from their NG2 heart ache..
[QUOTE="EVOLV3"]Lemmings dont like to compare exclusives, because the Console Graphics King is a PS3 Exclusive, Uncharted.xsubtownerx
Yet that game sits there collecting dust as there is zero replay value. I think Gears of War looks pretty decent, no?
both games have a pretty good replay value (more in Gears) but as far as graphical aspect goes, Uncharted blinds Gears with its glare
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