[QUOTE="SHuN_G0Ku"][QUOTE="Nedemis"][QUOTE="crunchUK"][QUOTE="rad_2xl"][QUOTE="Lab392"]How about option 6: people who want to play PS3 exclusives?Nedemis
what exclusives?
haze, lair...
shouldn't it be exclusives that actually make the system seem worthy of purchase.....so far there isn't one on the PS3 that remotely interests me and most deffinitely neither Haze or Lair could even get me to look at them.
damn, i feel bad for lemms just by having Halo 3 on their 360 being out for almost 3 yrs now..
you're so right.....:roll: maybe I should stop playing Lost Odyssey, PGR4, Forza Motorsport 2, PD0(great game despite what people say) and console exclusives that people who only own a PS3 will never play such as Gears of War and Mass Effect. Better yet, let's not forget about the incredible games coming out this year for the 360 such as NG2, Fable2, Gears of War2, Too Human and the exclusive downloadable content for GTA4. I'm also loving the fact that the majority of the multiplatform titles not only play better on the 360, but also look better as well.
How's that third rate system treating you with downgraded washed out visuals and the delayed release of Sonys self praised HOME, Killzone2 (4 years and still no official release means it's been delayed time and time again behind closed doors due to the apparent lack of trust in the game at it's current state) and LBP?
yeah you're right but PS3 is actually pretty strong for holding on its own even though it hasn't had any AAAEs yet but it still sux for lemms who only owns a 360 cuz us hardcore gamers who craves for all games will actually be playing ALL games that you and other lemms cant..
yeah, i'll be enjoying all those games you listed too but will you be enjoying other great games that wont be out on your system??.. :roll:
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