if 2 isn't a lucky number, would that mean Gears of War 2and StartCraft 2 would also stink..??
SHuN_G0Ku's forum posts
Gametrailers like their usual way.. bashing games...
i'm surprised that they bash Gears 2 cuz i thought they would only praise 360 games just by listening to them about KZ2 and Motorstorm 2.
no offense but this show is retarded..; maybe they should just stick with their "game comparison vids" :lol:
[QUOTE="SHuN_G0Ku"][QUOTE="ma7moud93"]Baird is in the 7th Picture I guess he will be in the SP.ma7moud93
i didn't see Baird
He is on the floor you can see his hair.:lol: now i see the 455hole getting stomp on...
Baird was badass but i like Fenix best with ":reloads: ..niiiice!..."
Baird is in the 7th Picture I guess he will be in the SP.ma7moud93
i didn't see Baird
Guerilla's KillZone 2 engine is clearly superior.
i'm really curious on what type of engine they use and also Kojima with Metal Gear Engine are pretty good
Killzone 2 will be 2009's Haze.
:lol: nice try fanboy..
Haze was ok, but Killzone 2 blows it outta the water..
btw, since you have a PS3 i'm assuming you've played Killzone 2 also.. what was your PSN ID again?
[QUOTE="AgentA-Mi6"][QUOTE="Patriot298"][QUOTE="SHuN_G0Ku"]..just curious since a lot of multiplats are running and looking the same but for it's exclusive ones, can the PS3 run games such as:
Gears of War 1 & 2
Mass Effect
Halo 3
Ninja Gaiden II
Banjo 3
In vice-versa can the Xbox 360 handle ALL PS3 games..?
The developer himself stated that the PS3 could NOT run Gears of War in all of it's glory.
"Mgs4 is aimed for the theater" Not the DvD Player...
Yeah too bad though that kojima found out the PS3 was an old RCA Record player instead. lol :lol:
RCA Record players IMO are pretty reliable though...
[QUOTE="SHuN_G0Ku"][QUOTE="kostmpekir"]It can run most, but i am sure PS3 would explode if it tried to run Gears 2, Fable 2 or Banjo 3, it is very old tech in GPU comparing to 360 Xenos, and has less ram and no EDRAM or unified shaderskostmpekir
my PS3 has been running for almost 7 months now without turning it off (with the exception of firmware updates) including playing games, vids, and musics and still hasn't had any problems with additional 400+ units in Folding@Home :D..
i think PS3 should be able to run all 360 games without any hassle.. ;)
My 386 PC from 15 years back has been on for years now, you mean it can run Crysis ?
I never knew any machine that can get to "ON" status, and remain there, becomes a graphics powerhouse
Also the problem PS3 has is with games, it may be doing fine in folding proteins, but that has nothing to do with the games it can render
well you said, "(see underlined)" ..i dont really see how a PS3 would "explode" if it doesn't show any hardware difficulties running certain aspects especially games that are even 2x bigger than the 360 ones..
i'm pretty sure the PS3 won't "explode" if it runs Gears 2, Fable 2, and Banjo 3.
the question is though, can the 360 run all PS3 games without programming renovation? (ie: compressing)
It can run most, but i am sure PS3 would explode if it tried to run Gears 2, Fable 2 or Banjo 3, it is very old tech in GPU comparing to 360 Xenos, and has less ram and no EDRAM or unified shaderskostmpekir
my PS3 has been running for almost 7 months now without turning it off (with the exception of firmware updates) including playing games, vids, and musics and still hasn't had any problems with additional 400+ units in Folding@Home :D..
i think PS3 should be able to run all 360 games without any hassle.. ;)
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