It most likely will, but i dont quite see what namco are getting out of it. So far, everything they have done for the 360 has performed at an average rate sales-wise. Its certainly not helping Microsoft in Japan, and im sure their japanese fanbases love how much of Namcos content is going to the 360...
Besides which, it would control terribly with the 360s face buttons and D-Pad.
if that's the case, Tekken 6 might end up being on the Wii as well..
I know this is for exaggeration, but I don't think IF it went to 360, this wouldn't be too much of an exaggeration. If you see the opening trailer (about 12 minutes), roughly 10 minutes of that was movie clips. Just imagine how many movies are gonna be there throughout the game.
uh.. 1/3
game is roughly 30 hrs - 10 hrs of cutscenes and 20 hrs of gameplay..
that's pretty huge for an action game compare to an rpg
btw, how many gigs do you think that whole 12 min. intro took?
is it just me or am I the only person that is not impressed with this game
Add me to the list of not impressed with the graphics. Maybe I got to see it in person. Gameplay and voice acting should be great. Someone said this game is supposed to be open-ended. I've nver heard of an open ended MGS game. Is it like GTA 4 opened ended or what? And also, BOO to the fan boys how say this game can't be made for on the 360.
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