:lol:i guess from TC's "truthful" logic:DVD9 >>> Blu-ray$50 Live >>> free PSN + Folding@HomeAA batteries >>> bluetoothRROD >>> 0.02%
[QUOTE="darkmagician06"][QUOTE="ArisShadows"][QUOTE="PS3_3DO"] Yeah 21 hours of movies! :lol:ArisShadowsI didnt know 29 divided by 3 (1/3) was 21?you forgot to convert units to fanboy math...Oh.. I see soTopic subtract the logic plus the Ignorance Multiply Tenfold to the Power of Fanboyism Divided from all Truth.Is thats the right method? dude, you seem pretty good at math.. :lol:oh and could you please explain this logic for reversecycology: "5 x 5 = 20"i read it from someone's sig
[QUOTE="PS3_3DO"] Yeah 21 hours of movies! :lol:ArisShadowsI didnt know 29 divided by 3 (1/3) was 21?:lol: epic lulz :lol:
[QUOTE="SHuN_G0Ku"] is this for the limited edition of MGS4 with the MGO starter pack?sorry, but my money is on the PS3/MGS4/PAIN/DS3 bundle :)ArisShadowsYa same. Do does "PAIN" mean?the bundle includes a free full downloadable game of Pain also
is this for the limited edition of MGS4 with the MGO starter pack?sorry, but my money is on the PS3/MGS4/PAIN/DS3 bundle :)
[QUOTE="kool-aids"] Wait, wait, wait.I can see it now, MGS 4Score: 8.5Reason: Too long.TREAL_Since:lol: Sounds about right to me.ORScore: 8.5Reason: Conclusion too resolute:lol:make that 7.5/10 for:"..trying to be epic""...seperate multiplayer"and the best one.... ::drumrolls::"..only for PS3"
so lemms are now in full ammo of damage control especially when it's only one review.."MGS4 is a PS3 exclusive so it's no surprise that it'll get a 10/10 on a PS3 magazine":lol:then what does that make UK PSM giving GTA4 a 10/10...??
Super Mario Bros 3 - BowserSuper Metroid - Mother BrainMetal Gear Solid - Metal Gear RexFinal Fantasy VII - SephirothStreet Fighter II - M. Bison
:lol: epic lulz :lol:so with only a month until MGS4 is released, lemms are still in a scatter petrified that this could put a bullet their foreheads...lesse, Kojima:"..is an overrated developer""PS3 isn't powerful enough""I'm racist and I don't like Americans"i mean wtf?!.. before you portrait him as 'racist' or 'hates Americans' maybe you should read the article a hundred times more..
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