[QUOTE="SHuN_G0Ku"][QUOTE="pDbOy_26"]I will be the first to admit that yes, the Killzone 2 graphics look amazing, very clean and very realistick. Yet i see everyone comparing it to Gears of War which also looks stunning, but not as good as Killzone 2 i will admit that also. Yet one thing that people seem to ingnore is the gamplay. Now is it just me. Or does the KZ2 gameplay look really boring. Especially compared to Gears, KZ2 seems slow paced, terrilbe AI, and just in general not fun at all. Which is why i feel KZ2 will end up disapointing a lot of gamers out there.
Yet this is just my opinion! What is yours?
if that's what you think then i feel really bad for lemmings anticipating on Gears 2 being more boring, slower paced, more terrible AI, and just in general not very funny at all.
contradiction FTL...
I dont understand where you got all that about being boring and bad ai and stuff about gears of war from what th is guy said. His original sentence was about the graphics between the two, nothing else. Maybe you just didnt understand him properly.Killzone 2 does look like your average shooter gameplay wise. Is that a bad thing? To me its not, we've used the same formula in many games and it works good enough.
if that's the case then what FPS game that does not look average..?
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