Alright, so you really like PS3 like a hella lot? Got it. ;)BioShockOwnz
yeah i like the PS3 alot!!! a whole lot!!!
but you're still a lemming though... ;)
Alright, so you really like PS3 like a hella lot? Got it. ;)BioShockOwnz
yeah i like the PS3 alot!!! a whole lot!!!
but you're still a lemming though... ;)
[QUOTE="SHuN_G0Ku"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="SHuN_G0Ku"]he's a fanboy. a lemming i presumed..Mater_Chief managed to shoot out his true color.
I own a PS3. Do you own a 360?
nope, i don't own anything.. :roll:
but you're still a lemming though.. ;)
I guess that's why I'm playing 2 games on PS3 and 1 game on 360, eh?
dude! that's f***n' awesome!!!
but you're still a lemming though.. ;)
[QUOTE="SHuN_G0Ku"]do you have a PS3 and games COD4, Warhawk, GTA4, Madden, UT3? if you do then try this:
let's take COD4 for example; go online and look at your stats, and now look at how many people who actually owns the game by looking at worldwide ranks.
now imagine putting all that in Home, WITH people's achievements including Warhawk, UT3, GTA4, Madden, UT3 etc.. AT THE SAME TIME..
remember MGO's beta getting delayed? what do you think is the cause of it..?
Someone is carrying the torch for Sony. Not even sure if your post makes sense. Home is being delayed to be even better yet the Sony rep said it is being scaled back. Contradiction FTW!
technologies just seems to get tougher and tougher to develop these days...
i used to be a programmer and i can understand these things being delayed.
it's the deception that gets me sometimes.
your avatar FTW!
[QUOTE="SHuN_G0Ku"]he's a fanboy. a lemming i presumed..Mater_Chief managed to shoot out his true color.
I own a PS3. Do you own a 360?
nope, i don't own anything.. :roll:
but you're still a lemming though.. ;)
NA is all that matters anywaytdavis20050
i hope you're being sarcastic..
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="CubanBlunt"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="CubanBlunt"]Here a c!ass!c 360 fanboy come back "BUT THESE GAMES ARE NOT OUT YET" Thats all PS3 fans have been hearing.DarkCloud79
360 already had AAAe's at launch, PS3's still waiting...
this is 2008, not 2005, keep holding on to the pass, thats all ya'll got. its no further for the 360 when the launch system warranty is still wanna talk about launch?
I still don't have a PS3 AAAE. For shame. :(
(Arguably) True, but this thread is about 2008 PS3 and 360 exclusives, and you're not happy waiting for Sony's "nice" ones but have no problem waiting for the 360 entire 08 lineup.
he's a fanboy. a lemming i presumed..
Mater_Chief managed to shoot out his true color.
[QUOTE="CubanBlunt"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="black_awpN1"]Maybe its called the year of the PS3 becasue its doing alot more than 360 this year? BioShockOwnz
In your opinion. That's not a fact, though. I bet we'll see more 360 AAAE's this year. Hey, but that's just my opinion. ;)
Here another c!ass!c for you "For 2008, what has the 360 done lately" thats a fact all day. Here we go again talking about games thats not out yet, it seems like the 360 fanboys talked too soon
You're taking this far too seriously. It's system war, have fun.
yeah, he is taking this SW too seriously for a person who bashes the PS3 continuously...
it's 2008 and all 360 got was a 5,000+ units sold in March..
for the PS3 NOT HAVING ANY GAMES and STILL outselling the 360 is just....pathetic... ;)
[QUOTE="nicenator"]Except they have changed. Just because Killzone 2 isnt coming out this year doesnt mean that the whole year is done for, which is something ive been telling people but no-one will listen. Resistance 2 is still on for this year, as is MGS4 next month, and LittleBigPlanet in October. Home will still most likely come out this year, and the PS3 is enjoying far better sales than it did last year. On top of that, there are great bundles, a dualshock controller, and a surge in interest throug blu-ray.
Tell me how things havent changed again?
C'mon, work with me here. "Tell me how things haven't changed again?"
Answer: Non of the games you mentioned are out, still.
actually you're correct, NOTHING has changed except PS3 continues to outsell the 360...
...continues to improve and their recent conference ONLY with
-new Killzone 2 footage
-showing Resistance 2 handling 60 players online
-new Little Big Planet trailer
-Home achievements update
-outselling 360 in Europe
-a 100+ threads of threats from MGS4 to lemms at System Wars alone
...MS minions are JUST NOW coming out of their hides and laying the smack on the PS3??
lesse.., starting with CNet then Aaron Greenberg, and few damage control attempts misreading David Reeve's comment on Home by lemms, and 100+ more PS3 hate threads in a few days, weeks or months..
all i can say is :lol: :lol: :lol:
your precious 360 got outsold and NA is your only shelter..
just hope that NG2, Gears 2, and Fable would be enough ammo to protect you cuz PS3 is taking over...
Wii you're next!! ;) 'ON'
jk (i love all my consoles)
[QUOTE="SHuN_G0Ku"][QUOTE="Nedemis"][QUOTE="SHuN_G0Ku"]i think more and more devs and publishers are getting interested with Home causing it to delay especially with devs trying to put their games' achievements interact with Home.
first i thought Home was going to be more of a Sim community just for the people and their achievements and til now..
just look at it now, even Peter Moore wants his Madden at Home, so as Dan Hauser with GTA4..
This has nothing to do with developers and publishers. It has EVERYTHING to do with Sony's continuous failure to deliver what they promise. Achievements have NEVER caused 360 titles or dashboard updates to be delayed.
really.., let's see, before Warhawk, R&C, Uncharted, UT3, and games that came out after Tokyo Game Show 2007, Home was ready for its released because Phil Harrison and Jack Tretton stated it at E3 2007 showing it off to the audience..
..but, when the games were released, Incognito, Insomniac, Naughty Dog, and even Epic got interested in putting their achievements at Home hend Kaz Hirai at TGS announced "Home delayed".
FIRST, Home was just a community basically just for people to interact and now look how many devs and publishers are interested on putting their game achievements at Home.., and we're not talking about just Home, we're talking about in-game videos and in-game XMBs as additional for this release
so you're saying that by developers and publishers simply being interested in HOME caused the delay? :lol:
Sony's the reason for the delay and nice try trying to convience ANYONE that the fault falls on devs shoulders.
btw....achievements(trophy room) were a part of HOME's initial concept when PH showed it live
do you have a PS3 and games COD4, Warhawk, GTA4, Madden, UT3? if you do then try this:
let's take COD4 for example; go online and look at your stats, and now look at how many people who actually owns the game by looking at worldwide ranks.
now imagine putting all that in Home, WITH people's achievements including Warhawk, UT3, GTA4, Madden, UT3 etc.. AT THE SAME TIME..
remember MGO's beta getting delayed? what do you think is the cause of it..?
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