Im at work right now, i spend my time bashing the cows and ps3,thats why u dont see me in the rest of the day because im playing my AAA games and doing some other things in real life,not like some of you that waste their time 24/7 here :lol: , i dont need to be jealous of a object without life.. and specially when it doesn't have a games that interest me,i bash it because you cows bash the PC and xbox360, so now im doing my part of bashing your console.
So what you're saying is you like trolling?
I see what you did there :lol:, having opinion isn't trolling and if you're trying to prove that u're death wrong buddy :D,this is system wars and just because i have different opinions and i post here while im at work doesn't mean im trolling.and yet next time when you try to accuse me of trolling just provide evidences.
:lol: isn't that what you're doing right now..?
Killzone 2 is gonna be a great game and all you've done in this page alone is damage control..
you're just afraid that this game might overcome your precious AAA games.. :lol:
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