These are my current progress report as of today for both:
-just beat Gears on Hard and Insane
-currently playing Halo 3 online at my friends since i dont have Live
-i got 5g of musics loaded
-5g of videos and trailers
-2g of pics
-still have 5g left in my hdd
-i've had one RROD but the towel trick gave me a miracle
-------Playstation 3
-i've had my PS3 'On' for about 150+ days til today without turning it off (with the exception of updates)
-currently Folding@Home when i'm not playing (500+ units completed)
-30g of musics loaded into my PS3
-20g of videos and trailers
-10g of pictures
-i still have 15g left in my hdd
-i also have customization XMB from animes like DBZ, Naruto etc..
-games i have beaten from the past 5 months: Uncharted, R&C, RFOM, UT3, COD4, AC, and GTA4 with over 10g of saved files
so far i havent gotten any problems with the two with the exception of RROD
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