@SIDEFX1 ill give the person below credit that the Wii could be considered a "lonely system" if you fancy yourself a hardcore gamer but its gonna be different with this one unquestionably it will be the top tech for the next 2 years of course it will succeed with the HC crowd lol you'll get one eventually lets be serious...
I know this might start a flame war because people keep bringing it up but I would like to see them do this to FF7 and FF tactics those are two of my most nostalgic and I love 16 bit especially HD + well drawn combining the old with the new like vanillaware !!! Mind you, I grew up with Nintendo and Super Nintendo as well and there are countless other games that I want redone and I don't see why with today's tech they can't emulate good hand drawn animation it's hilarious!!! A good example of what the industry has become is double dragon neo - I'd rather play Odin sphere or Scott pilgrim versus the world - something with inspired art design and not these clunky pseudo 3d/2d trailer trash graphics we get. There are things like mark of the ninja limbo and dead light that I think people are gonna use as exceptions but we all know that with these super powerful systems a company could make an amazing looking 16bit style rpg with 100s of hours of gameplay ANY 16 bit genre but these soulless companies like ea and activision won't do it thank god for my Wii u in a week Mario will bring me back...
Wow I was rooting for schilling when he started this company. It's like... This company only made one game lol it wasn't even that bad from what I've heard (never played it) but i guess it couldn't compete with this COD generation and better titles within its own genre like Skyrim and Dark Souls. Says a lot about the corporatization of the videogames industry. Plus, the " review in progress " is cursed so ot had that going against it too
I Also excluded sonys great trio of platformer series ratchet and clank jak and Sly. Great games but ultimately pretenders to the mascot throne (Mario)