@thanatosxsin666 I agree with you about Square needing to evolve, but the fact that you say that you support every FF NO MATTER WHAT completely discredits your opinion. Its people like you that allowed a solid game (FF13) to turn into a monstrous meta franchise and, in my opinion, ruin the FF universe that we knew and loved. Thanks bro!!!
One of the things I love about Nintendo is they keep their childlike sensibility.. thats why theyre system (Wii) was so successful with babyboomers and children alike. People get mad that they reiterate their classic archetypes ad nauseam - but thats why I love Nintendo: they never forget where their heart is. Sure they change some things but they always play the crowd pleasers.
@abHS4L88 @DarthLod Apparently this kid knows nothing about Nintendo's brilliant "blue ocean" marketing strategy (i think thats the name lol der) that has allowed it to be different from the other systems but still enormously viable whilst cutting its own path through the industry. Personally, just because i wasnt a fan of the Wii doesnt mean it wasn't a fantastic idea and enormously successful with the casual market.
@abHS4L88 yea i have always been kinda hazy on what the videogame world was like pre-NES. I remember the advent of computer gaming pretty well... Im sure you are old enough to remember when arcades were still popular as well. Those days are pretty much extinct... I wish arcades were still big. Like in Japan.
@emperiox I must be the only seven year old with a beard then lol
Did you ever stop and think that I own OTHER systems as well??? It must be magic!!! Like, maybe Im not a little kid who gets one thing for christmas and thats all hes got for five years or a poor little white trash redneck who borrows his friends games. I am a grown a** man with a good job and I buy whatever the I please.
I guess Nintendo isn't cool anymore... I could give a s*** i play everything. Now I see what a fanboy is...
@abHS4L88 I like the way you put that xD but I still say they "started it" (with quotes - cause I cant even remember anything before the NES - and Im 28- although im sure there was like a commodore 64 or something)
@Tamarisk_green you feel more unsure about this than the original Wii??? Now that system was a question mark... and it turned out to be just as underwhelming as I thought it would be. This one has the raw power to keep up with whats currently being made. Couple that with classic Nintendo IPs, and you might wanna up your excitement level a little. And dude, im pretty sure they arent going to make a lot of games where you have to look back and forth between both screens so often that it will give you a headache. that would be bad for sales..especially first party stuff (and nintendo has like a million first party studios!) - that will be tailor made for this combo. Im not 100 percent sure its going to be a AAA system, but you should definitely be intrigued. Personally I was disappointed with the Wii overall but it had a few gems (Galaxy, Skyward, Xenoblade) although I thought the graphics were horrible with most everything else on it.