SNESbeatsps3360's forum posts
For one, the fake 2007 osama bin laden video. It didn't even look close like the real Osama. You know the government was toying with us to support the war 17 out of the 19 hijackers weren't Of course Al Qaeda is going to claim responsibility, that just means they want publicity. terrorist groups take credit for attacks all the time. Shortly after the attacks and before the FBI had released the pictures of all the hijackers, several reports appeared claiming that some of the men named as hijackers on 9/11 were alive[QUOTE="SNESbeatsps3360"][QUOTE="scorch-62"] Prove it, if you find it so undeniable. And this time try to do it WITHOUT repeating yourself.Theokhoth
1. Prove it was fake.
2. Prove the hijackers claim. What about the two that WERE Al Qaeda?
3. What reports? What's trustworthy about them?
This is ridiculous.
2 out of 19...[QUOTE="SNESbeatsps3360"] i'm not a sheep like the rest of you.MrPralineYou follow conspiracy theories blindly. You're as much as a sheep as anyone. the official explanation is the conspiracy theory here
it's a steel building, no steel building in history has ever collapsed. plus you got the sprinkler and fireproofing = almost impossible for this building to collapse from fire alone. impossible[QUOTE="SNESbeatsps3360"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]
No they ****ing wouldn't. Sprinklers preventing a massive fire caused by falling debris from other buildings? When it was made doesn't matter at all, and what fireproofing? Buildings full of paper, plastic, cardboard, and electrical equipment can't be made fireproof. :roll:
Firsat of all, that isn't true. Second of all, no steel building has ever been hit by other falling buildings in history, either. SPRINKLERS CANNOT PREVENT MASSIVE FIRES. The building was full of paper, plastic, cardboard, electrical equipment, and all that other stuff that is EASILY COMBUSTIBLE. Fire weakens steel.
It's not impossible because it happened. There's not a shred of evidence saying otherwise.
think what you want to, i'm not a sheep like the rest of you. Operation Northwoods changed my mind about everything done in this country. Maybe you should read it. btw, WTC7 did not collapse by fire alone. it's impossiblethe sprinklers, and fireproofing alone would prevent the building to collapse plus wtc7 was made in 1987, there is no way it went down from fire alone[QUOTE="SNESbeatsps3360"][QUOTE="Theokhoth"]
WTC 7 caught on fire. Fire weakens metal. WTC 7 is made of metal. Connect the dots.
No they ****ing wouldn't. Sprinklers preventing a massive fire caused by falling debris from other buildings? When it was made doesn't matter at all, and what fireproofing? Buildings full of paper, plastic, cardboard, and electrical equipment can't be made fireproof. :roll:
it's a steel building, no steel building in history has ever collapsed. plus you got the sprinkler and fireproofing = almost impossible for this building to collapse from fire alone. impossibleno steel building has ever collapsed in the history of steel buildings? WTC7 fell[QUOTE="SNESbeatsps3360"][QUOTE="-Chimera-"]Hell no. I have yet to see a compelling conspiracy theory on the 9/11 attacks.Theokhoth
WTC 7 caught on fire. Fire weakens metal. WTC 7 is made of metal. Connect the dots.
the sprinklers, and fireproofing alone would prevent the building to collapse plus wtc7 was made in 1987, there is no way it went down from fire alone
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