- Killer Instinct - Starfox - F-Zero 1&2 - Super Mario RPG - Super Mario World - Yoshi's Island - Super Metroid - SF2 Turbo - Chrono Trigger - Donkey Kong Country 1 2 &3 - Earthbound - Pilotwings - Earthworm Jim 1&2 - Super Mario Kart - Wolfenstein 3D - Doom - Primal Rage - Aladdin - TMNT: Turtles in Time - Megaman X - Actraiser - Super Mario Allstars - Uniracers - Super Star Wars - Zelda: A Link to the Past - Contra III - Final Fight - Clay Fighter - Demon's Crest - Secret of Mana - FF6 thoughts?
1) Look good, and never go clean shaven, women respond to facial hair 2) Ask a girl out for coffee, that's less foward than beer 3) Pretend there's alot going on in your life, so she thinks you can make plans 4) Don't shower youself with cologne, women are attracted to natural man-smell, as long as it's not too much 5) Don't order for her in a restaurant, let her order herself so she isn't suffocated Send her my LOVE, memory remainds
As muched as I loved Tron, I don't think the new generation should have the priveldge of having a sequel. Especially since most them are just finding out what Tron is, after the comiccon 2009 trailer. Therefore, Tron 2 should be NC-17 so the kiddies who can't respect their elders aren't running around the theater. what you think
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