all it is is a white 360 with photoshopped lights, copy and paste the picture in paint, then invert the colors. Its the original 360 with photoshopped lightsHottAsFire
You might want to shade out that one F*bomb real quick. Crackdown has actually been my favorite demo on XBL so far. I'm not sure if it could keep my interest for more than a couple hours though, so I may just gamefly it.jdknight21
hopefully (but extremely unlikely) America will leave Iraq alone... seeing as its the least they can do after they destroyed it. XL70 What's that got to do with Bill Gates?
Nothing, but nor did the "aliens inslave the world" coment. i'll remove the comment seeing as its way to controversial.
If hes messed up, its cuz his parents were way to overprotective and didnt praise him at all... if he isnt then i think that they are doing a harsh/good job(going more towards harsh).
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