Did you guys know that Standby mode for things like TVs, PS3s etc use up (i.e. waste) a significant amount of energy?
I don't remember the exact numbers but it was quite surprising to see what the effect of a red light being left on continuously had. I was suprised myself (so much so that I am in the "off" camp for things like this).
I remember hearing this as well and I think it was about $15 bucks a year in energy costs just to keep the PS3 in sleep mode. I usually keep it off because I don't play it every day but If I think I'm going to play it in the next few hours I will leave it in sleep.
The show that I saw dealt in carbon emissions rather than money. All I can remember now is that the average household in the UK creates 11 metric tonnes of carbon emissions every year. They showed the "standby" thing as a percentage of that total.
mine has frozen in movies when they are too scratched but thats all and once in tennis demo i deleted the demo after that jaja i have only turn it off from the main switch once when it froze on a ps2 but that was a long time ago when i first bought it this is the first time this has happend to me htijerina10
Well let's hope it doesn't happen to either one of us ever again. ;)
It happened for me when I put a scratched disk (Vice City) in the PS3. So it played the game for two minutes and then I got a "Disk Error" message. Everything froze and I forced the PS3 off (by pressing the power button).
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