@the_big_doggg I actually do know a few that would choose the Volvo. I personally would, just because I have the money to afford something doesn't mean it needs to be wasted. Many people in the world would choose the Porsche, because it would garner attention to them. And many would consider them to be living the life. And that would make them feel good about themselves, until they couldn't keep up with the next big thing, then it's back to square one. That's apart of misery. Trying to be something that you aren't. Being unhappy with who you are, and what you don't have. Look at the world man, it basically tells you if you don't have these certain things, you are a nobody. And people treat you like exactly like that, if you don't have certain material possessions! This is why people kill others over shoes!
True happiness is in wanting what you have, not having what you want. If one always got what they wanted, it would never appease them, because there will always be something else that they see, that they will eventually want. People are not content. And this is pushed into the faces of millions daily, Just Do It. Obey your Thirst. Have it your way. The slogans say it all man.
People are selfish by nature, greed comes when they love money and the opportunity arises for them.
@the_big_doggg I never mentioned them having low self esteem. it doesn't mean they aren't miserable just because they can afford high dollar products man. That actually is a sign of misery, doing something just so others can see it, that means you are seeking attention. If you were happy with your purchase, you will be happy, regardless if someone sees it, or not. its what we don't see, that tells the true story.....
@stan_boyd @the_big_doggg The reason someone would purchase a product at an outlandish price, compared to a similar product at a cheaper price, is because it is considered living. You aren't living the life if you aren't wearing xyz style pants. you aren't truly living, if you aren't drinking xyz alcoholic beverage. you aren't living the life if you aren't sleeping with xyz amount of people. It's plastered on billboards, commercials, ads, logos, magazines, clothing, emails, everywhere. We are all surrounded by it. This entire life is commercialized! And look at how many it affects.
People are miserable, and attempting to find happiness. And these marketing ploys are broadcasting that their products offer happiness in a purchase. People flock to it like ants to dropped food. Looking for happiness, looking to fill a void they feel in their life. People will defend their respective purchases, because they have been duped into believing that it will bring them happiness. But they know they still feel miserable, so they lash out at anyone they feel is being negative about their decision, even if your being truthful. They have become addicted to their purchase, or the purchase of things, or a secret vice, that they believe will bring them happiness.
All the while, they feel even worse. Thus why they lash out, and are so negative. Because these things, can never truly bring happiness to one's life.
@supernaught360 but WE can buy some J's, and a nike hat. And the new Samsung Galaxy S4. It's that new new, with a brand name logo on it!!! so it just has to be right, cuz the majority is doing it. And it's on facebook and twitter, and most television commercials, and I will fit in with everyone else tho!!! And look, the tv star people do it too, I wanna be like them, YOLO!!! <----(Sad truth,This is how the world thinks............) The mind, is a terrible thing to waste. Being happy with what you are blessed to have, is a thing of the past. If we don't learn anything else in life, people please remember this;
Happiness is in wanting what you have, Not having what you want!
@jd7904 survival instincts usually kick in as a self preservation in a time of peril, or intense distress. Usually making one pull off what many would define as superhuman feats. As far as your brain being trained to remember what harms you, the individual would have to train themselves to do that, by keying in on certain details of an event. Or the event would have to happen more than once, or be severe to that individual. Just as we are taught to fear certain things as we grow. Fear is not an emotion we are born with, but it is a psychological training that is instilled into us over time. Because most people repeat the same mistakes over and over. And some are rather dangerous, and life threatening. Many train themselves to be oblivious to pain, physical or emotional, so that they may achieve what themselves, or other's, think is enjoyable, or pleasurable. We can convince ourselves to go through rather grueling bouts of torments, for no apparent reason.
Our bodies can be in severe pain, but with a simple thought of the brain, we can make ourselves continue to go on. Just think if we used that will to do what was right by our fellow man.....
During my study of psychology in college It was found that most studies are too non conclusive to truly share. They are more of an attention grabber, than an absolute truth. Honestly, people just like to be negative. Negativity is always favored over a positive outlook. The news is negative, attitudes are negative, most things about this life are negative. It is a proven fact, an example of this is,that if Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo did everything right by consumers, but only made 1 mistake, which everyone thought to be huge, that mistake would be remembered more, than all the positive things they did. Even if they took enormous steps to correct it. People love to brew over the negative aspects of things, and totally beat the proverbial dead horse continually.
Look at what happens when someone gets arrested, and put on trial for a heinous crime. Even if the individual is acquitted, they will always be remembered for the negative connotations, but their innocence will be forgotten. People hold on to negativity longer than anything positive. there is also this thing called, blind personal logic. Where an individual is right no matter what, but they are only right in their own eyes, thus it only makes sense to them, and no one else. Many suffer from this. But at the end of it all, what the video did leave out, was that if some one who suffers from low self esteem usually doesn't lash out, and they usually tend to be a crowd follower, and attempt to please others. So the chances of them purchasing a console to be attached to their personal feelings would be minimal, unless they felt they had to purchase a certain console to appease those around them. But at the end of it all, if you purchase the console of your choice, and aren't detoured by any outside influence, and you are truly happy with that selection; Then why bicker and babble about which one is better? Everyone isn't alike, we are all unique and wonderfully made. Everyone is entitled to their respective opinions, and this shouldn't be any different. At the end of the day, we are all still playing video games, are we not? So,..... what's the fuss over, seriously?
For all those ignorant to what false advertising is, here is the legal definition, as well as what must be established to prove it:
To establish that an advertisement is false, a plaintiff must prove five things: (1) a false statement of fact has been made about the advertiser's own or another person's goods, services, or commercial activity; (2) the statement either deceives or has the potential to deceive a substantial portion of its targeted audience; (3) the deception is also likely to affect the purchasing decisions of its audience; (4) the advertising involves goods or services in interstate commerce; and (5) the deception has either resulted in or is likely to result in injury to the plaintiff.
The most heavily weighed factor is the advertisement's potential to injure a customer. The injury is usually attributed to money the consumer lost through a purchase that would not have been made had the advertisement not been misleading. False statements can be defined in two ways: those that are false on their face and those that are implicitly false. (Sony did not commit false advertisement, neither does any store that makes a price error, and price errors do not have to be honored. If the store does honor it, them you should be thankful, and not feel entitled to an adjustment every time! Because adjustments are NOT a legal requirement by courts of law!!!)
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