Those are only shipped numbers.
I remember a time when games like Pacman, and ET also shipped in the millions, and then they were all discarded of in the desert, and gaming collapsed. Those games weren't successes just because they shipped millions.
I'd rather wait till some actual 'sold' numbers to determine exactly how successful Dark Souls is.
But that was a time in days gone by, that wouldnt happen now.
Shipped nowadays essentially means sold from the Manufacturer to the distro/retailer.Atari had to take those games backs they were criminally bad and tbh that is a very extreme case aswell on top of that shoddily made 6 week games dont work even back when it was simpleton simon gaming wise.
Right, but the point still stands.
If a game comes out that's super hyped up, and expected to sell millions then retailers are going to buy millions. If the game tanks at retail then what does those millions of sales mean? it means the next time that developer puts out a game it ain't going to ship near that many copies at retail because no retailer would be dumb enough to fall for it a second time.
That's why I prefer using actual sold figures to determine the actual success of a game.
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