A tower defense game selling poorly on consoles!? what an out rage!!
Seriously though thats like comparing what sells more, Madden on consoles or PC. Anyways back on topic, tried the demo and I've played better tower defense games.
The demo for Dungeon Defenders is a very poor representation of the entire game.
You get two maps (there's like 15 I think), you only get to go up to medium difficulty (which is baby mode on those first two maps), you don't get the challenge modes, you don't get two of the c|asses, and you don't get to experience all the different mobs, or boss battles, or anything.
I liked the demo enough to buy the game, but boy have I been surprised by the difficulty increasing even just one or two maps after the demo map you get, and I'm still using medium difficulty! There's still hard, and insane difficulties to choose from eventually, so I can only imagine it'll get extremely hectic, and fun.
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