A big fat, non canon WHAT IF scenario placed in the events of Raccoon City (aka RE2 and RE3)
Basically gonna be dope as fvck. Squad based TPS gameplay, getting overwhelmed by zombies and tyrants and Nemesis along with some new enemies so you gotta move quick and stuff, using teamwork, shoot an enemy to make him bleed to attract zombies (MP). Special abilities for some squad members, you can kill Leon Kennedy, etc.
Totally unorganized thought, but those are some highlights of the top of my head. Personally I'm so stoked.
K, I'll ask another question.
Is it Resident Evil?
No. Not "teh horror Reisdent Evl".
Not even close. If that's what you're after.
However, it is awesome, and it will be fun. Much better shooting mechanics than Re4 and Re5 (not hard to improve here really)
There is no "teh horror" in Resident Evil after experiencing Amnesia
But I still like the gameplay of the series.
If this is L4D in third person then I might be less inclined to buy it.
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