Because I get 100x more value in every single ounce of gaming on my PC than I'd ever get on a console.
Let's just skip over the fact that I get the superior versions graphics/performance-wise.
When it comes to gaming I also get
- Crap load of free content. Take a game like L4D for example. It has about 2 hours worth of campaigns on the consoles, and an incalculable amount on the PC. This goes for plenty of games. TF2 is another great example. I mean that game has had HUNDREDS of free updates ranging from tons of content, to balance issues, and all this stuff. It's an entirely different game nowadays.
- Crap load of Free to Play games. Games like TF2 and LoL are both free, and I have played each for around 800 hours a piece. You just can't find anything like that on the consoles.
- Crap load of features. Features are important, and having basically everything I could ask for means I get more features per dollar buying a PC over anything.
- Crap load of sales. Nothing beats buying 3-5 retail games for the price of one $60 console game; nothing.
- Most games, most genres, most variety, most creativity. Pretty much self-explanatory.
You know over the years I've talked to many people who tend to have their same excuses for why they don't buy w/e. "I won't spend $300 on that Xbox when I already have the PS3" or "PC costs too much, I'll just stick to consoles".
All I know is I've probably spent $1200 on PC stuff since around 2004 or 2005 because the PC is just worth that kind of money. Heck, it's worth more money than that (I just can't afford to spend more).
That said I don't own a PS3 or 360 because I do find them too expensive. I truly do. I mean when you break it down you spend $300 on a console, $60 for new games (and the sales don't even compare to what the PC gets). If you want to expand your games it doesn't come from free content, but instead $15 DLC map packs...... Controllers are $50-$60, and other accessories are expensive.
And for what? Something that doesn't compare to what my PC offers gaming-wise, or performance-wise.
Those console expenses add up. I have a Steam account valued at over $1500, and it took me $200 to purchase it all. I have, like I said, sank upwards of 800 hours into FREE GAMES such as TF2 or LoL. I have played 2 hour long games such as L4D for nearly 150 hours and counting because of free content.
Becoming a PC gamer was the greatest investment I ever made with my gaming hobby, but you only understand it's true value by getting involved in it.
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